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Posts posted by purplecrush

  1. I will never shop Walmart on BF again. This was my first year going there. I normally go to TRU and Fred Meyers. My best friend and I went to Walmart and got in line at 3am. We were about 50th in line. Stood there in the cold and wind...it was fun.. When it was getting closer to 5, their was this mob starting to form at the front of the line..to the side..you all know what im talking about..this girl in front of me started yelling at them that the line was WAYYYYYYYYYY back there. The manage earlier TOLD us that there was going to be security and workers out front..there was every year. Well except this year...as soon as the doors opened, BAM all those people rushed in and people started yelling and screaming..some lady shoved me so hard. That was the very first time Ive ever been pushed. When I left, I complained to the manager and he said they had pulled the tapes and their security was looking at them as we speak, he also told me to come in later in the week and he would give me a gift card .


    And they didnt have any good deals either!

  2. I usually hit up Freddy's on BF...you can expect a huge line with people wanting to buy socks and body pillows LOL..those are the main things in this area that they have every year. They do serve donut holes (3 flavors) and hot chocolate/coffee/apple cider. I never go there first though, I usually hit it up around 11 am. Oh yeah, they usually have BOGO free on games!!
  3. My Target was horrible again this year, so im never going back! The checkouts were ridiculous!!!! Ive never seen such a mess! They had one line that wrapped around the store, but everyone was just walking right up getting in the "short" lines. So I stood in the same spot for about 30 mins, then ended up leaving my full cart there and leaving and going to Walmart, where everything was much more organized!
  4. At my TRU they had tons!! I was the 10th person in and stayed for about a hour and when I went to leave they still had tons. I even made a comment to my friend that no one was buying them and we started doing "cart checks" and I did not see ONE person with one, we thought it was weird.
  5. I tried this last year and there was some sort of problem. When I tried to verify it, it just wasent working...It kept saying I was calling from a different number, which I wasent. So needless to say, I didnt get a wake up call :(
  6. Ive never had any problem with TRU. At our store, they always opened the store early..like last year it was 4:50, when the ad said 5:30. We didnt mind. The line was all the way up to the street, and there was really no where else for the people to stand ( I was at the front of course hehe) Inside is pretty crazy, but they have a AWESOME system for check out. All the lines were open and you stood in one great big long line, but they had employees placing you in the lines. It was great. No one was cutting in line, everyone was cheerful and it went very smoothly!


    I never knew they did it online. Im totally going to check that out!

  7. I also love watching the 25 days of christmas!! I cant wait till Dec 1!.. I also love watching A Christmas Story. My mom cant stand that movie, but yet shes never watched it, tell me how that makes sense lol. But the kids and I will watch it all night.






  8. I was about 10 years old. I was snooping on our stairs listening to my mom and my sister talking about christmas. My sister said, which presents are you going to have be from Santa, and I stood up and screamed " THERE IS NO SANTA!!!" and ran upstairs and and started kicking the top of my bunk bed and broke it LOL. I remember that day like it was yesterday, I was so upset. So now im really carefull about what I say in front of my kids or even when they arent around. I want them to belive as long as possible!!
  9. OMG yes!! We were coming out of Walmart with all our stuff and the news guy asked us a bunch of questions about the toys and who they were for and blah blah blah..WELL ..MY KIDS Saw it and KNEW what they were getting!! I was so mad! I didnt even THINK about my kids seeing it lol. Needless to say, they were pretty excited about their new stuff. :tongue1:
  10. The kids usually wake up at about 3 come running in my room telling me that Santa came (they already peeked) and I have to send them to bed at least till 5!! Then we get up, I turn my coffee on, get the camera ready then go get them ( they never go back to bed lol) . They do their stockings first, then open presents, then then think they can have as much candy as they want, so I have to take the candy away and make them christmas muffins lol.
  11. When I was growing up, every year we had these big plays/musicals..But my kids school doesnt do that..none of the schools do around here, because some people dont celebrate christmas. I think its not fair for the 99% of the people that do!! I think that the 1% (if its even that!) that dont celebrate should just not participate!:(



  12. Hi. Im new here and read this post, so went to MY shopping list and it worked just fine for me lol..Im sorry thats its not working for alot of you :bunny: Hopefully it fixes itself out for you guys!!
  13. Hi, im new here, but wanted to reply. I have Comcast digital cable and on the Music Choice channels, the Sound of the Seasons are already playing Christmas songs! Last night, the kids and I listened to Halloween songs! What a quick change!
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