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About Bobbi0125

  • Birthday 01/25/1975
  1. I use them faithfully and am the "go to person" for my friends and family when they want to know where to get the best deal! I have finally gotten a few of them using the charts as well and they love them too! I can't imagine a Black Friday without them!
  2. We start in Morgantown, WV (where I live) and usually end up in Washington, PA (45 min-hour away) because the outlets are there.
  3. 1. Since 2001 2. Probably about the same. 3. Yes 4. 7-8 5. NO CARTS
  4. I usually go with a group of 7-8 people but we split up and meet later if we need to. If we go to Walmart or Target only one person gets a cart so the rest of us can run around the store like crazy to get what we need which is very helpful. We usually go to the outlets near our town and we always split up there. There are just too many stores.
  5. I really try to ignore them but I will admit I have a lot of times just called them out on it. I have also been known to get rude back. Usually they then back off or even at times apologize. I really just try to remember that people are stressed and Black Friday may be their only chance to get stuff for their kids, grandkids, etc. But you can only take so much.
  6. 1. Today Best Buy was added to the most likely camping spots in the US. 2. Woooo this tv will hide all the $1.50 towels I got. 3. No people were injured in the opening of this store.
  7. I'm going to use my Walmart Saving Catcher money. I may look into some of the others listed above! Always great to save money. I also buy most of my gift cards at Giant Eagle so I can get fuel perks! I also use the product charts that are done on here every year to find the best deals!
  8. I just ordered my shirt and can't wait to get it!
  9. Love, love, love the new design!
  10. I use my debit card only. I usually never have cash!
  11. I miss the early morning sales. There was something so exciting about getting up at 4 to be there at 5. Last year I waited in line at WM for an hour to get to the movie/video game area (our store sections them off by the milk) only to find by the time I got in there that only 1 of the 10 movies or games I wanted was there. It just started my night off all wrong!
  12. DD19 needs a new laptop for college and DS15 needs a 32 in tv. I'd like to get us all some beats and I'd like a laptop for myself if I can swing it. Of course they both want clothes and gift cards for Google play and Steam. I'm sure I'll pick up some movies and possibly a few games (PC) but we'll see. I'm so excited to get started! Oh and just today DS15 asked for a trampoline! Hope those go on sale too!
  13. There was a thread by Brad asking for help on the main BF forum page.
  14. I'm here! Can't wait!
  15. What an awesome prize! Let the Black Friday countdown begin!!!
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