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Everything posted by eve'smom
Well it's getting late santa will be here soon. Merry Christmas every one!
Thank you Maryke for the christmas card. My door is looking nice, I'll be taking a picture as so as I get my camera
:holiday10your santa,cards look very nice;)
I want to thank everyone for my christmas cards. My front door looks nice with all the cards on it:)
Thank you Becca for the card :)
I got two cards today. one from mom, one from Andres in dc :)
I got no mail for two days:(
eve do you need an elf?
I got 4 more cards today:D Thank you ( Kandy, tjredsox4,Christine, and I got a cute post card from the Savukinas
http://i444.photobucket.com/albums/qq164/aurora129/Picture006.jpg the cards are looking really nice so far
Thank you Sherri L. for my card:) and I got a package from my ornaments person Thankyou they are soooo beautiful St.Nicholas Square set of 4 bulbs that has snowmen on them with snow in side them. And a BIG BAG OF M,M'S ty ty yum:D http://i444.photobucket.com/albums/qq164/aurora129/Picture107.jpg
I got a beautful card today.thank you! Dawn, Bubba, Bryce,Mayah, Rachelle (coleman 4905):holiday01I
I got 3 cards and a package today:holiday08thank you Wanda, Tikicox,Chris. And thank you SS for my package! I loved the Angel,the lip balm,Frosted Berry lotion, cream they smell so good.:holiday02I http://i444.photobucket.com/albums/qq164/aurora129/Picture108.jpg
kselzer I loved your ornament! that is sooo cute!
I have received 17 cards:holiday08
I got 5 cards today Thank you Illinoismom,Brooks,Wallace,CocoaDiva43, Kim;)
I mailed my packages yesterday:) I recvied 4 beuitful cards today thank you Elizabeth,Caitlin, princez916, Jennifer Woosley and thank you Jennifer for the Black Bean Dip recipes:holiday08
I got two cards today:) Thank you! ashemgra and ybeuwman6827:)
Hi eve Kelly's market Moble gas station they will donate 5 cents for every gallon to the sailvation army for the next four tuesday weeks. And tuesday coffee is 5 cents till 10:am:D
Hi every one! I went to my mailbox and i got 4 cards today. Thank you Kimmy 8339, krissy 904,RB Williams, Drmy91 :)
yes Eve and i worried about you the hole time!!! she forgot to call her mama to let her know she made it home safe. Happy holidays everyone!
I recived two more cards today. Thank you The Wiseley family and Eve :)
Hi everyone! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!:)
I went to my mail box wednesday I had gotten two cards today. One from my daughter eve a beautfull thanksgiving card and a card from The Daly family. Thank you! Happy Thanksgiving every one!