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About cashandra

  • Birthday 07/08/1983
  1. These were always on sale for 2.99 before Christmas, I would maybe wait n see if they go lower. They are very thin washcloths tho, I bought some and thats something I notice.
  2. I headed over to Fashion bug Friday for their big sale and with my receipt printed out a coupon code for 50% off one bra to be used during this sale!
  3. Cricutmachine.com IS ran by provocraft :) Heard many good things about them.
  4. Awe Man! I wish they would offer this price in the stores! Our youngest sons 3rd bday is comming up and next weekend, daddy is taking him to Walmart to get what hes been wanting forever now and it's this. I think these are like $50 in the store! Too bad. Dad really wants to take Braxton to get it, so theres no way around buying this and saving money
  5. Seems like people don't post in this thread anymore..... A few days ago, I got into the children's clariten campaign. Perfect timing with all the pollen in the air lately!
  6. Oh, this thing would drive me nuts! In the end I'd probably pay someone to get it outta my house. If I sat my 4yr old on this thing everytime he had a timeout, it would constantly be going off!
  7. It's telling me the price is 59.99 and 10.xx shipping. Would been a good deal just to buy for the cartridges included!
  8. Here's a coupon I found for 20% off your TOTAL (even includes sale and clearance prices)! good through Feb. 26th. http://www.joann-mail.com/2010SNU/coupons_only.html?r=7663_3312&i=2010SNU013&bc1=461005779753759860202
  9. Ok, so here's a link to an online store that carries them, 2 mats for 12.99 plus ship. They only have 2 left in stock though. http://www.cricutdeals.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=73 I don't really want to pay shipping fees for these dang mats, so I'm holding out. I think I might try to restick mine to see how it turns out. That would save loads of money if it works!
  10. LOL No problem. Lemme see if I can find a link to one and I'll be right back. It's basically the same thing only bigger. :)
  11. These mats are the easy ones to find. These mats are for the baby bug and the personal cricut. I bet she's talking about the cricut expression mats that are the 12x12 because those are impossible to find right now in the stores! Trust me, I've been looking EVERYWHERE! My expression is almost at a halt because of not being able to cut anything. I've heard through hearsay that provocraft put a halt on making the 12x12's for a minute so people would buy the 12x24s and cut them in half to use to clear the stores of them. NOT sure how true it is, but it's what I heard. I will say though that I've read alot of people on the cricut boards are resticking their mat with a special type of glue. I can't remember what it is, something like a zig glue pen? Not totally sure on the name, but you lightly cover it with that glue, let it set 24 hrs, and bam, you have a sticky mat again. Just be sure to clean it with soap and water before restickying it.
  12. I can't seem to find one online to print off, anyone have one? TIA!!!
  13. I received this today via UPS. I never entered a CC, it just went through, so I wasn't worried about being scammed. Then today, it was delivered, 5 full size natural vitamin E miosturizing sticks. Thanks!
  14. The free gift of the day is for new customers only
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