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  1. You just need to stay on the amazon site, you do not need to be on the Blu Ray page.
  2. You have to leave the tab open. If you are offered the chance you'll get a popup in the corner of your screen saying you have x amount of time to add it to your cart and check out. They will not email you.
  3. Thanks!
  4. I don't see these. Where are you see them?
  5. My son wanted either a DS or a Nabi 2. Looks like I could get both at these prices!
  6. Thanks!
  7. Also i believe there is a printable coupon out there for the Schick Quattro Razor or Trimmer
  8. does anyone know will they let you use coupons with the b1g1 offers on BF? TIA
  9. I'll be make a trip to target first thing in the morning. Fingers crossed they have that lion, I was planning on buying it anyways for DD for Christmas:).
  10. I found 3 packs of MM apple juice today, for the first time ever!
  11. Trick or treat at the mall is a good alternative.
  12. If you really want to know what she wants let her loose in toysrus for a hour or so. That what we do with DS4. Just take a mental note of what she was most attracted too. We started doing that when he was too little to tell us what he wanted. Now he asks for everything under the sun, so we do it to figure out what he'll really play with.
  13. I`m looking for a deal on the fly fusion pen. Everywhere I have seen its $79.99 anyone know of a better deal. Jai
  14. A friend of mine mentioned that they don`t wrap the presents that require assembly. Instead they have them assembled and ready to play with under the tree. We don't do that, all the presents are wrapped from us and Santa. We love putting them together on Christmas morning with the kids. Apart from watching the kids unwrap them, putting them together is the best part!
  15. The link didn't work, thanks for trying tho!
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