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Posts posted by alces

  1. Same for me. Pretty annoying.

    First it all was "coming soon", then half an hour later it was all available, but it wouldn't take the promo code.

    Different browser (never seen frys.com before=, same deal. Then it turned out that only an item from the T-day sale actually brought up the promo code field. Only with today's items in the cart didn't even allow me to put the promo code in


    snedecor: from their site it says the field only appears when there is an item in the cart that qualifies for a promo code.

    Frys is so messed up, no reason to wste any more time with them.

  2. I just read an article in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel from Sunday (I know, almost a week old....) about the mark up law and how it will affect prices. Wal-Mart said, tehy will have a different ad for WI with other prices. They also mentioned some other stores that won't differentiate, and some that did not comment.


    Can't post the link, but go on jsonline dot com and search for article "State shoppers must pay more" (id 684773).

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