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Posts posted by ksteigert

  1. I saw the ad site you were talking about, but I think it must be a mistake. I just bought the D80 from Ritz and it was $1200 with the kit lens. The other dslr cameras that are being shown as free are also all very expensive cameras.


    I haven't seen an ad scan yet, but since gottadeal isn't reporting that these cameras are free, I'm thinking that site made an error.


    edited to add: I saw scans of the ad, and it just says that there will be instore savings on all those cameras, but doesn't say how much of a savings it will be (unless I'm missing it) nowhere does it say free. Sorry.

  2. Mine gave out different colored vouchers (neon green for laptop, neon pink for free emachine and HP, etc...) and on the very bottom it had written in that it was #4 of 13 or whatever.


    They tried to give them out to the first people in line, but had a hard time since people started coming up from the end of the line and trying to cut in. I'm pretty sure most of the people I camped out with all night got what they wanted though.

  3. My store had no idea what I was talking about when I first called them, so it was obvious that they didn't know about the misprint in the ad and didn't have a sign up or anything.


    When I first talked to them, they didn't know what XP Media Center OS even was, and told me they had no computers with that installed. Fast forward to yesterday when their circular comes out with at least four computers listed with that OS.


    So, after calling everyone in creation, I finally talked to someone who would give me what I wanted. I returned the BF HP bundle (no restocking fee) and got the HP a1230n instead. It was $799 after rebates, but I got $100 off for my trouble. :g_thumbri


    So I am finally satisfied with Circuit City's handling of this. Hope everyone else gets a satisfactory result from this fiasco! :)

  4. Stlmapman,


    I am supposed to get a call from a supervisor at the Circuit City call center on Monday, so I'll let you know if I hear anything. Apparently none of the supervisors are there over the weekend. (I was on hold waiting for one for 87 minutes before someone hung up on me, and when I tried back got a gentleman who said they weren't even there)

  5. Thanks Mugs, and hmbre97. My dh told me the same thing about the properties tab, and it is indeed XP home.


    I'm a little annoyed that my CC store is lying to me about it. Corporate said that the local store needed to do something about it, but now I'm going to contact corporate again.

  6. I just spoke with someone from circuit city who said that the OS system installed in our pc bundles ARE media center, and that it will do everything that Media Center does. Can anyone tell me if he is just trying to run me in circles?


    And if he is off-base, how can I tell?


    Thanks in advance!

  7. Thanks Alimfp for showing me this thread!


    Yep, I'm pretty mad about this too, considering that the ONLY thing dh said he needed in a desktop was this OS.


    Called Circuit City and of course, there is nothing they can do, it was an ad misprint, and Media Center has to be preinstalled by the manufacturer.


    Come 9am I am calling Circuit City headquarters to gripe. Not that it will do any good (except make me feel a tiny bit better)

  8. The only thing my dh really specified about in a desktop was that it have HP media center installed on it. So I did my homework thank to this great site, and finally decided on the HP bundle at Circuit City for $549 after rebates.


    So, camp out starting at 1am for this deal, get it home and it. of course, has XP home edition installed. Circuit City tells me that it was a misprint in their ad, and there isn't anything they can do about it. :mad:


    So does anybody know of any inexpensive desktops that I can get with XP media center? (maybe a crazy request now that the early bird specials are all done)

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