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  1. Batteries from Lowe's or Home Depot; Tons of hand soaps from Bath & Body Works (enough for the whole year); Cat Litter and Treats from PetSmart; Laundry Detergent from Walgreens (B1G2 Free - Arm & Hammer). I don't think they had that deal last year but here's hoping.
  2. High count sheet sets, the best deal possible.
  3. Harbor Freight - 10/16
  4. 77566
  5. Coupons.com has a coupon for $2.05 off a 13-lb. bag or larger bag of Purina cat chow. Makes the BOGO 50% off just a little bit better.
  6. Brave New World - Adolus Huxley
  7. Two years ago at Target when the doors were about to open at 6 am, at least 50 people from the parking lot all ran up to the doors and tried to get in line in front of all of us that had been waiting. Needless to say the line was NOT happy and started booing the line-crashers, very loudly. It was loud enough for the police and a few target workers that had been waiting inside the doors for opening to come outside, seperate the line-crashers and line them up, seperately, on the other side of the door. And they didn't let them in until after our line was all inside!
  8. You practically have to do this at our Kohl's. By the time you get your stuff and get in line it is wrapped around the back of the store. Now when we go in my mom immediately gets in line while the rest of us go a gather our items. It ends up working out perfectly so we get in, get out, and head to Penney's for our free snow-globe!
  9. Lake Jackson, TX! While everyone else goes up to Houston, I get practically my pick of everything!
  10. I do the same thing. I also have a seperate account that all my survery money, refunds, etc. go into. That is my Black Friday fund. I also save up points on sites that will allow me to cash them in for giftcards. I use all of those cards for BF shopping. I like BF even more when I don't see a huge dent in my bank account the day after!
  11. Toys are still hovering at 30% at my store. The Summer Picnic items are still full priced. I guess that goes with the fact that it will still be summer tempertures here for the next 4 months.
  12. My store had nothing out, but it is very small, and there are rumors that it will be closing with in the next year.
  13. Any preference on how we send the paypal? Gift, goods, etc? I know paypal is charging a fee of some payment types.
  14. Mom and I always watch it together. Love it!
  15. Same thing here in Texas. But boy am I ready for the shopping!!!
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