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Posts posted by Ohiocat2382

  1. I have two plans in the works as of right now

    Plan A- Circuit City around 4, then Target, Best Buy, Walmart, Kohls, Meijers, then breakfast or..well..lunch


    Plans B- Kohls around 3, Meijers, Walmart, CC, Target, Best Buy, food.


    Still have to figure out what to get people. :confused:



  2. My brother, who is my typicall BF partner, and I did not work out a good plan last year. We knew what we wanted and what store had it, but we didn't stop to plan what order we would visit the stores after the first one. Even though everything was in about a 15 mile radius I swear we drove over the same bridge 6 times last year. It had to have been at least 100 miles by the end of the day. This year we will have ALL the details planned out.
  3. I'm pretty sure our door busters were the same as everybody else's (Our ad's were the same as the one's that were posted here). I think it's Michigan or Wisconsin that has that law. As for taxes, anything and everything is taxed. I never knew other states had tax free days or were tax free.
  4. Hey all! I'm Audrey, I'm 26 and from Columbus, OH. I've been married to my DH Chris for about a year and a half. For the past three years I have dragged my little brother (he's 22) along on BF. He's the only one who will run when I say to without asking any questions and that is very handy when trying to get the door busters. I can't wait for the ads to start coming out. Happy shopping season!
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