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  1. THank you!
  2. Is there a database or spreadsheet that you can search a particular item and find the cheapest place on BF?
  3. bbyboo1323

    1hr Guarantee

    So I dont get how it works. You get the ticket then what?
  4. Actually its not too bad..Theres numerous ones they can price match to. I went last night and the managers at my store had no clue and had to go check since they had not been told. I did have a copy of the policy which helped Target walmart.com bestbuy lowes staples amazon petco dicks TRU kmart office depot academy sports authority bass pro home depot cabelas auto zone petsmart walgreens dollar general bed bath beyond babies r us jc penny kohls tiger direct new egg family dollar michaels o rielly pep boys
  5. Yes, @ my store Legos were 75 as well
  6. My store was 30-50 last night and at 8 am today it was 75%. I got just about everything I had been eyeing! With in just a few mintues though there were a lot of us digging around and the shelve were emptying pretty quickly!
  7. Im wanting to know the same. Ive been watching them for 2 or 3 weeks As of Tuesday they were STILL STILL STILL 30%!!!
  8. No further markdowns in Toys today in VA. Someone was marking somethings and I asked her but its new stuff being added she wasnt marking down already marked items. Baby stuff: 15% up to 50% there were a few pairs of shorts for 75% off that was it
  9. I found BabyLegs for 75% off. I think they rang up for $2.49 http://www.target.com/MF09-018-C-My-First-BabyLegs-Mitten/dp/B002RPCSME/ref=sr_1_20?ie=UTF8&searchView=list&qid=1277388304&frombrowse=0&fromGsearch=true&node=1038576%7C1287991011&keywords=babylegs&searchSize=90&id=MF09-018-C%20My%20First%20BabyLegs%20Mitten&searchBinNameList=purchasing_channel%2Csubjectbin%2Cprice%2Ctarget_com_primary_color-bin%2Ctarget_com_size-bin%2Ctarget_com_brand-bin&searchNodeID=1038576%7C1287991011&searchRank=target104545&sr=1-20&searchPage=1&rh=
  10. what does ncf mean on the receipts?
  11. I went back around 1130 for lunch and it was so picked over! Stuff really went quick, at least to good stuff..will keep checking over the weekend though for returns, etc
  12. ipicked one up, i will know later if the person i bought it for wants it
  13. ###086000112 MF Color 5.48 ###086000596 Bristle ? 6.24 ###086000606 Bristle ? 4.98 ###086020583 Disney Snow White dolls with dwarfs 8.52 ###086080054 Furreal Panda 9.50 ###087011015 Rocking ( Guitar thing) 2.50 ###087050159 Lionel Train set 34.98 ###204030647 Kai Lan 1.48 ###204030764 LP Asst 4.98 ###204033237 Large Kai lan doll 9.98 ###204033353 Little people carnival 9.98 ###204033372 sleepy ho ho 19.99 ###204070144 Mega 100pc block 4.98 ###204090443 FP LP ride on ice cream truck 9.98 ###204100025 Stack 9.98 ###204100126 Parents Keys toy 2.48 ###2041000135 Parents Drum band set 5.94 ###204100192 Skippy 7.48 ###204100327 Caterpil drop 6.98 ###204100382 Tonka Ride on 9.98 ###204100393 Playskool table toy 8.24 ###204100531 Toy screwdriver thing 2.24 I dont know what some of these are as I am taking them off my receipt, some i knew and added that in
  14. there was only 1 set of legos at my Target and it wasnt marked 75
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