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  1. My 15 year old needs a laptop that will get her through HS and maybe the first year of college. It would be nice if it converted to a tablet either by detaching or folding over but it doesn't have to. My son just purchased the Lenovo pro2 and loves it for college but we can't spend that much on her and hers does not have to be that portable. She will mostly use at home. She also reads a lot and had wanted a reader but I'm thinking maybe that money could be applied to the laptop if it becomes a tablet. We do not want another Toshiba. I have loved all 3 Toshiba laptops but all have had problems so....no more Toshibas for us. We would consider most other brands. Need to for sure stay under $500 but the better the price the more other presents she might get.
  2. I would do all my shopping online if it were possible. I like to use ebates.com to save even more money and it can be done in the comfort of my own home. We often have friends over for the holiday and after dinner we all pull out laptops and shop and visit together. We don't miss a beat visiting and all the conveniences of home and the turkey are nearby AND no stores have to stay open for us. Oh and no fights over things or getting run over by shopping buggies when people suddenly see what they were looking for.
  3. No camping for us probably ever. About 3-4 hours prior is the longest we have ever waited in line.
  4. Did anyone else get the $15 egiftcard for Aeropostale and, if so, have you had any luck applying it?
  5. So..does anyone know for sure....will the sales they are having now continue? I need to buy a FOX sasquatch hooded jacket. They are $150 at PACSUN but are about $80 now at 6pm. Trying to figure out if it is "safe" to wait until BF to check their BF deals first since this is still a lot for a jacket for us or should I go ahead and buy it. I know some stores had deals that were actually better before the BF sales stated like Express. ( everything in my cart went up in price or stayed the same when they officially started the BF sale.) Thanks.
  6. I have the same question. Announcement was useless. I would love to see a discount of any kind on the new ipods but....who knows.
  7. I would have been thrilled just to get on the wait list.
  8. I'm so not happy. Waited all day for the ipod touch 5th gen. The button did not go live on time. When it went live, it was 100% done and the waitlist was full. What a joke.
  9. There are some things I want listed finally. But the big one is the ipod touch 5 for us. I really hope there are alot available because I need 2! If you are looking for the 16GB 4th gen ipod, it is also a lightening deal today. I wish they listed the prices.
  10. I think we have seen all the major store adds and I don't know that there is any reason for me to go out. I'm kinda sad that the new ipod touch got completly overlooked... unless you want to camp at Best Buy for days. My husband may pic out a laptop and a tv that he wants but he can camp for those. I always love BF shopping but I guess I just don't need/want the things I need to for this to be a hit year....sigh.
  11. yay! Thanks for posting.
  12. How much are you asking for it? I'm sure you would have no problem selling it.
  13. From what I have seen on the Apple site, they are no longer making new 4th gen 8gb ipod touches. You can now get a 16 gb 4th gen, though, which i believe is new this year. That does not mean that stores don't still have 8gigs to sale, though. The new 5th gen only comes in 32 gb and 64 gb. Apple has them for $299 and $399 respectively. I am sure we will see something better than that but I wonder how much. If you have kids who do not take care of electronics very well, I would go with a 4th gen and try to get a deal. They do break fairly easily even with a case, especially if dropped. We learned the hard way that on the 4th gen you can't just run replace the screen...like you could on the 3rd gen. The prices are coming down, though, so you might get a pretty reasonable price for the kid who still needs to prove they can be responsible. That said, if your kid does well, I would not buy the 8gb. At least step up to the 16 gb 4th gen. The memory fills up so quickly. My son has a 32gb 3rd gen and would never consider having less memory than that. His is loaded with tons of music, though. My younger daughter wanted the 4th gen two years ago and has loved her 8gb but it has been full for a long time. She has to keep deleting stuff. If you are on a budget like we are and your kids already have 3rd or 4th gen ipods, you might consider trading in the old ones or selling on ebay. We plan to see how much we can get out of the old ones. Amazon, Gamestop and others have trade in plans that are pretty good especially if you kept the box and paperwork and the older ipod is in good shape. We will only pay $100 towards the purchase of the new ipod so our kids are scrambling to figure out how to come up with the rest. They are hoping for Christmas money from grandparents to help. They paid for half of the older ipods and we find they take better care if they helped purchase. As for the colors.....yes it is cool. However, you will need a good case to protect a fairly expensive investment. Thus the color will be covered up.
  14. Both of my teens want the new 5th gen ipod touch and Itunes cards. These cost more than we normally spend so a good deal would be awesome. My husband needs a new laptop. He has a small 10 inch that he has used for college but now that he is done with his degree, he wants a bigger, faster, new computer. He camped at AAFEES last year for the kids' HP laptop and he hopes for a similar deal this year. We could also use a small to med flat screen tv but will be looking for a deal since we have tvs already.Oh.. I almost forgot what I want for me! I want/need a new video camera. Mine is 16 years old...an 8mm. I have kids in sports and dance, musical theatre. Could really use a smaller, digital recorder. I budget is alot less this year so....bring on the deals!
  15. Well, they only have 1 of the 2 I need. And it's odd because they have all the Need For Speed games EXCEPT the one I need. ugghh... Good deal if they have what you want.
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