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  1. How can you tell if it's a knockoff?
  2. Does anyone know where I can find Communion Dresses that are reasonably priced? TIA
  3. Great deal...thanks OP!!!
  4. If you are using them on brick (like on a fireplace)...BrickClips are FANTASTIC!!!
  5. Has anyone ever ordered from the "other sellers"? Are the items new just as if they were coming from Amazon? I'm nervous to order from them...please make me feel better (or tell me that I am right to be nervous?) :) Thanks!
  6. I can't seem to find a pre-order option anywhere...if anyone sees one, please post :) Thanks!
  7. Thanks for the info...what do you think a "good" price would be for this?
  8. I know this question has been asked in the past, but I can't remember the answers. What is a good "starter" MP3 player or IPOD for a 6 year old? TIA
  9. Hi all, I'm looking for suggestions on a good "beginner" digital camera for an 8 year old. Does anyone have any suggestions? TIA!
  10. I totally recommend Gymboree...very cute things! You can buy online or in-store.
  11. Does anyone else have one to spare?? TIA
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