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  1. I would add that normally the price increase to get a system with more than 8GB ram is much more than just getting a computer and upgrading the RAM. Make sure to look up the specs to make sure the laptop you are looking for is expandable to a greater RAM size. Increasing RAM is normally the one easy thing that can be done to a laptop after purchase. Almost everything else in them is made harder to work on.
  2. We are plus members. The disney gift cards will not show as live for us. Other items are live. Anyone else?
  3. UltraWide-screen computer monitor.
  4. I forgot to mention - most games and software in general is going the way of download only. With that in mind and to save both room and $ most laptops do not have a CD drive. If you have software you want to load from CD, get an external dvd drive that connects via USB. You can get a good one from places like newegg for $30.
  5. Hard drive - 512gb or bigger, SSD is quicker than HDD, but is more expensive. SSD is becoming the standard in almost all laptops. RAM - 8gb is the minimum now, 16gb is what I would get for a gaming laptop, but RAM is the one thing that is easiest to upgrade after purchase. It is sometime the only thing you can upgrade after purchase in a laptop. Definitely have it checked before purchase to make sure it can handle more RAM. Video card - for Minecraft about any videocard will work. For future gaming though a higher end card would be good idea. Here is an example: https://www.newegg.com/black-msi-gf-series-gf63-thin-11ud-261-gaming/p/N82E16834156089?Item=N82E16834156089&quicklink=true
  6. Walmart, Target, Lowes
  7. For the first time ever, I do not have to work the holidays. For over 20 year I was manager in medical field and had to be on. Now that I do nationwide solar sales virtually, I pick my own schedule!!!! YAH!!!!
  8. Still want a decent best buy sale, but I know it is maybe not in the cards this year. Anyone see a newegg ad? I keep seeing different little sales from them.
  9. I miss the big percent off, the massive charts of best deals, the camping out. BUT...I do like the ability to shop weeks ahead. I know things have moved on, but I still look for that "deal".
  10. Dr who mccoy went sold out status in under a minute...annoyed. I guess I'll be trying in store, but a good bit annoyed.
  11. Wish I knew what the samsung prices would be...
  12. Possibly best one yet. Needs to glow in dark for bonus!
  13. Still want to know!
  14. I feel as well as if not into it. I think for me it is not just the lack of crowd, or even the spread out nature of the ads. I also have both gotten to the point where I doubt I feel I really need much, but also due to the economic and governmental changes that have occurred from March to October this year I feel myself much more cautious with my spending, especially for discretionary items which is mostly what Black Friday is for me.
  15. I'm still looking for Big bang 12th.
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