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  1. I bought 4 of the clearance $3.39 color stay makeup, got the $3 coupons, making it $12 off, then I also had 4 -$1 coupons for revlon, I got a clearance Barrette-$3.74 and a bottle of Frutris shampoo ($3.99) used a $1 coupon for that and the register took off 50% twice for the revlon ($3.40) Total OOP was $2.19 and the shampoo has a $3.99 rebate...
  2. I can TOTALLY relate. I too will slowly intergrate them in to my current pans, removing the old ones and replacing them. Why cause stress over such a little thing? I personally am saying mine was a "business" expense so he won't see I spent $65 on pots and pans. Yes they were a good deal, but my husband is clueless when it comes to how much stuff like this costs.
  3. I got one too, but I probably won't use it. That was the first time I had ever ordered from them.
  4. 'Family car stickers' is what I used on ebay....They remind me of the 'Family Matters' for the yard too.
  5. I have a maytag front load and have had it for a couple of years....I like it, it does use less water and soap. I can add to mine, you press the cancel button and it stops the water from going in and unlocks the door. The reason I got it was really because of my kids... I had a bed wetter...he would have to wash his comforter and then it would overload the washer and make it uneven and then thump until finally something broke...Had to have someone come fix the tub where it wore though from being uneven...Then after we moved to NC something else happened (probably for the same reason )and I said I just wanted a new one and got the front loader...It holds more clothes since there is no agitator. I would definately buy another one...BUT I think I would like the stands they go on (one for washer and dryer)...but those stands are like $150-$200 EACH but have nice storage drawers...Also it is nice to be able to set stuff on top of the washing machine like I do the dryer (soap dryer sheets...)
  6. My MIL uses her's EVERY night and takes it everywhere she goes and she is no lightweight either.
  7. I use the electrsol all the time. Cascade is too expensive for me. I have never had a problem BUT I also have been told by a guy that came to fix my dishwasher once...Before you turn on your dishwasher make sure you run the HOT water at your sink until the water at the sink is hot...Any problems I had prior to doing this stopped once I started running the water to make the water HOT in the dish washer. The dishwasher doesn't work correctly unless the water is HOT. Of course if you have one of those dishwashers that HEATS the water at/in the dishwasher than you don't need to do this.
  8. Originally Posted by fluffkin79 "You could always pull off the red sticker and tell them it was in the christmas section! Maybe 90% off" I thought the same thing, but that's beyond my limits. I won't take stickers off in the store. IMO (and accoding to store policies) that is shoplifting. If the cashier sees the prices and will override, good for me. If not, well, guess it wasn't ment to be. I don't mean to be harsh. I do appriciate that you posted a reply. Just want to say that feels too dishonest to me. I have heard that too, but not just Target, anywhere. It would be the same if a store only used price tags instead of UPC codes and someone switched or removed tags. That is wrong too. IMO
  9. I have a VERY hard time finding Peter Pan. Since the recall no one around here seems to carry it. Maybe I need to start looking harder for it around here. I got 7 coupons today.
  10. I saw board game on clearance, like Simpsons Sorry was $9,98....I have decided next year when we give our kids money to buy Xmas gifts that we are using credit cards instead. My son bought that particular game for his younger brother and if I had the reciept I could have bought it and returned it and gotten half of the money back...However husband saw the rebate for it so he mailed in the receipt...had we used a credit card I could have gotten that back. Lesson Learned
  11. Anyone see "A Christmas Story" houses?
  12. I have the Dyson Animal almost 4 yrs now. I love mine. I had central Vac for 10 years before that and you can't compare the 2. I have area rugs (my whole down stairs is hardwoods and I have 3 large area rugs in 3 of the rooms) and I haven't had any problems with it, but mine are not high pile rugs either. I didn't/don't notice any difference between the area rugs and wall to wall. I have called one time and I needed a quarter to fix my problem. It was great a LIVE HUMAN the first time, no phone tree, no nothing. They just had me hold the phone to the vac and turn it on...she listened and told me what to do. I was pretty impressed.
  13. I went to game stop to trade in new unopened games. They HAVE To break open the items. And I was told they actually are not allowed to do it, I had to take them outside and open them all myself and bring them back in for them check to see how much they are worth. Remember Gamestop is in it to make money. Everything they buy they have to turn around and sell and I am sure they have a certain % of mark up. Half.com is a great place to sell games like that and unlike Gamestop, condition matters. Someone will pay more for a new unopened game on Half.com.
  14. Yesterday when we got Chinese food for lunch they had a sign saying "Open for Christmas".... Reminds me of "A Christmas Story"....
  15. Ok, I have to say I am not in the greatest mood....First I did ALL of the christmas shopping....I got EVERY present for my 3 kids and gifts for my husband. Then I wrapped all these gifts...THEN I hid all these gifts....Then I got to put all gifts out. As usual, husband was TIRED! He did after all, get up later than I did, did everything I did yesterday (except he didn't make cookies and fudge, he sat there watching tv) and fell asleep watching the xmas movies we were watching (oh last day he went to work was Friday). After I tagged all the presents and shoved them under the tree and filled all the stockings I finally go to bed after midnight (I know not that late compared to others). There he is SNORING....I finally fall asleep at about 1am. At about 6am I hear some quiet talking (my kids are 8, 13 and 17yrs old)...My husband gets out of bed at 615 am. I decide I am going to stay in bed. WE have NEVER gotten out of bed this early on Xmas years past. My kids are allowed to go through thier stockings-and honestly the older 2 already know what they are getting, they made lists and know they always get exactly what is on the lists....My husband gets out of the shower and starts talking to the cats. Never does this any other day. Oh might I mention my husband knows what he is getting for xmas too ("Lost" dolls, oopps I mean action figures). At 715 after I have fallen back asleep, my son is outside my door saying "MOM" and the rule in my house is your not allowed to wake me up. This isn't their first rodeo! I lay there...just pissed. I already know what I am getting...How? Because my husband can't be bothered to try and get me something, I have to tell him EXACTLY what to get me (I just told him to get me a gap gift card) because he claims he doesn't know...or my favorite "I dont' have time" yet he has time to buy Lost cards on ebay and find binders to hold them AND look up stuff on the internet about it and other things that interest him. I managed to find the stupid dolls he wanted on ebay along with a Lost shirt. And when do you think he wanted to buy this Gap gift card? When we were ALL out shopping TOGETHER last weekend. here is what I heard "Well when am I supposed to get it?" IIIII got to look it up on the internet to tell him that: A. You can buy them at Gap.com B. YES It is free shipping (would hate to spend an extra couple of bucks for shipping!) Do you think he could turn the coffee pot on? Nope, it was ready to go, just waiting for the timer to go off (7:20) to turn on. Throw the cinnamon buns in the oven? Nope, that would require removing them from the freezer turning on the oven and putting them in it! Is this how Santa feels? He does all the work and no one does squat for him? I guess he does get all those cookies and letters...I didn't get cookies, except for the ones I made of course! And I did get to WRITE a letter from Santa.... I guess I should be used to this by now. Why do I think this will ever change? Ok rant is over, I have to go start on Xmas dinner, it won't make itself! And I think I hear grumbling about batteries, I guess I need to find some.
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