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Posts posted by Abracadabra

  1. Mine is usually like ... age ... gender ... country ... sorry.

    One time I suspected that they profile by ethnicity, I selected Hispanic and sure enough it disqualifies me immediately. The survey I took earlier selecting Caucasian and it allowed me to continue. Maybe it was age? But it's hard not to be skeptical


    If market research is the purpose, than why do they disqualify people based on certain demographics? It doesn't make sense to me. Anyone else have a clue? It would seem to me to exclude a demographic would only be a disservice to the business, and they wouldn't be able to cut into that market.

  2. I agree with you.


    What particularly irritates me is when I get cold-called asking for my opinion for free. It bugs me, because if their doing this, you know a good deal of people out there are just giving away their info for nothing. People need to realize that market research is dependant upon consumer opinion and demographics, and somebody needs to let these companies know their not going to prosper without paying dues where dues are deserved


    You think their would be some regulating body for this? Sort of like consumer rights or something. But companies seem to just run wild with this, getting information however they can. It's mind-boggling how people just throw away a commoditty that everyone inherently possesses. Their should be, at least, some education site telling people the value of their opinion. I think education is the key here

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