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Everything posted by Kelvrick

  1. Joining late to the discussion, but I think for a HSC rated safe, costco has that Cannon for like 650 delivered. http://www.costco.com/Browse/Product.aspx?whse=BC&topnav=&prodid=11234777&ec=BC-EC877-CatHome&pos=9&lang=en-US Otherwise, I always liked http://www.sturdysafe.com/
  2. I use a credit card all the time. Easy to dispute in case of any disagreements or anything like that. But, I'll also carry cash out in different pockets so I can buy a couple of thigns that involve only one rebate per household. Give a friend the money to pay for it, then he just hands me the rebate and copy of the receipt for me to deal with.
  3. It used to be Best Buy because one of my friends used to live pretty close to one, and we had this whole tradition where a group of us would play games until about 2 am, then go stand in line and act like a bunch of idiots while freezing until it opened. That is, last year was the first year we deviated from Best Buy as well, the sales sucked. We went to Frys instead and are probably doing that this year as well.
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