I was hoping someone might be able to explain a couple of things for me! :) I am new to the Target shopping and am highly impressed with this forum and all the knowledge!!!
Because of reading it, I've been able to take advantage of the the 'expired Target coupons', which I didn't know existed before and certainly didn't realize they could be used...I was able to get capri suns for $.75 each!!!! Thank you for that!
What I'm not certain of is some of the price reductions...are they regional?? I'm in TX, and I've tried to go to Target and search for some of the items I've seen on the board that have been drastically reduced (like the Friends Scene It game), but the price tag says a higher price and when I take it to a scanner hoping it will scan cheaper - it comes up with the same price as marked. Also, what's a dcpi? How would I know if my scanner was capable of putting in a dcpi and what would I benefit from using it?
TIA! The people on this forum are wonderfully informative and helpful...and it's great for those of us wanting to learn to save money!!