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About smockingfor2

  • Birthday 08/16/1977
  1. went back to target in opelika last nite to see if there was anything i missed. Did get several more things...but some of the toys were ringing higher than the stickered amount..for example wedding day ken was marked $6.XX but rang up $9.XX, and the gazillion bubble grill rang up $19.XX ugh... i really wanted that. Anyone else notice this? My best score of the nite was the step 2 push and ride car for $11.XX
  2. so what have you gotten between columbus and opelika? I am thinking about hitting up montgomery tomorrow.....
  3. just returned from my opelika target and racked up for my preschool and myself. some of the notables were ....the large little tikes grow to pro basketball set reg $40 now $9.98 #204-09-0921. hooked on phonics pre-school #204-04-0491 $40 now $9.44 pink vsmile $12.48 lots of barbie mariposa fairies $2.48 word world beach moonsand $4.98 gazillion bubbles $.78 double slip and slide $4.98 cars and disney floor activity pads $2.54 Had a fantstic time and wish I could go back!!! had 2 carts full and they had to help me to my car!
  4. toys still 30 and 50% in OPelika....and not much good stuff left...
  5. does anyone know about the clearance on toys or patio in the Opelika, Montgomery, or prattville targets..have they moved any or still at %30 and %50?
  6. is it possible for the toys that were part of the 30-50-75 mark down to go 90% off? I have hidden a fisher-price imaginext castle thing and i checked on it today..still well hidden, but I'm wondering if i should just go ahead and buy it at $9.98 ( which is 75% off)...but I'd really like to get it for less than $5!
  7. I would like to call a store that is about 30 minutes from me to see if they have marked down the playhouses to 75% off, but the DCPI # that was listed did not work on the schuman site...does anyone else have a different number I can give them to look it up? I purchased one off these from my local target a couple months back for $99 for my preschool and would like to get the other two...one to retun and get a refund, and the other to keep so that we'll have two for the kids to play in...thanks for any help!!
  8. THAT WAS ME!!!! I bought 7 for my Preschool. Were you standing in the isle at that time?? I got there about 12 or 12:15 and had my two kiddos in tow so I had to get one of the boys to bring out a flatbed to haul all my finds up to the Service desk. Those just appeared out of nowhere, i had seen them at the Prattville target and wanted on but they were $27 at the time. Apparently they had them in the back all through christmas and didn't know where to put them. They brought them out about 25 of them and they were gone in less than 24 hrs! Sooo funny! I was laughing out loud when I read your post! I went back later that night and they were all gone, so i'm glad I bought them when I did :yup::)
  9. I do I do, my hubby has noooo idea the amount of stuff I have hidden in this house! Thanks goodness, I do however get the " you need to cut back on your Target trips " speech every couple of months, then I try to reign it in for awhile...luckily he gave me a $150 gift card to Target for X.mas so i got all my chrsitmas clearance and toy deals w/o him seeing it on the debit card .
  10. I was there at 1:30 again today...and yesterday..who are you??? I know who the other gottadealer on this site is...we actually met on ebay and she introduced me to this fantastic site, and we meet up in the target isle on occasion...but I don't know who you are! :):)
  11. also an Opelika, Al targeter. walked out with a cart full of stuff...of course I didn't NEED, but only spent $16! Soooo happy, it was about time! Toys still %50 and %30 off, did notice that several off the Disney Pixar Car items went from 30% to %50 this week. My favorite find was a topiary that was $24.99.. i got for $2.49...it was literally the most expensive thing I bought!! Most everything in my cart was .69 or under!
  12. I actually stopped a lady in the parking lot yesterday to ask her if it had gone to 90 or was still at 75. It was nice to not have to drag two kids out of the car and into the cold to find that out :). I had to go out briefly for something else, so I was in the area, this morning I will just call and check. I did find what I thought was a good deal the day before yesterday. I found the Thomas and Friends Holiday Gift Pack which includes Christmas Thomas, Percy, 2 holiday caboose, 2 trees and a wood storage box that was marked from $40.00 to $19.98. I just took it up to the cashier and siad these other toys ( little pony minty christmas, dora car, etc.) are ringing up %75 off, but this one is still ringing up at %50, will you do a price overide since it is a christmas toy? She did, she took %75 off the $19.98 making it $4.98 and then I used the expired Thomas $5 off coupon making it free...my kids were excited to play with it...only I thought it included some track also..but it does not. I would NEVER have paid $40 for that, but free, yeah, I'll take it. :) DCPI 7671409803 the box with snowflakes and a ribbon on it.
  13. are there any coupons left that haven't been asked for? I would love the $10 off also!
  14. Yesterday I got the Stanley 1500 psi pressure washer in the yellow box for $29.98...reguraly $99.99 so it finally went %75 off, I have been watching them awhile. Also..I had hidden a poloroid digital frame over in the sewing/rubbermaid area and someone took it!!! :mad: I did fing the Fugifilm XD card that I had hidden over in sporting goods though, got it for $4.24. (BamaEagle I better not find out it was you who took my digital frame! )
  15. Christy! I went to target after reading your thread and the suncoast rang up $69.99 What's up w/ that, i really wanted one of those...and the real wood box too...incase you want to sell me one :) !
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