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  1. Several of the leapfrog tag books are on sale for $5: Toy Story: http://www.amazon.com/LeapFrog%C2%AE-Tag-Activity-Storybook-Story/dp/B0036ZBEFG/ref=sr_1_10?m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1292876183&sr=1-10 Cat in the Hat: http://www.amazon.com/LeapFrog-Tag-Classic-Storybook-Cat/dp/B001COFDEQ/ref=sr_1_20?m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1292876247&sr=1-20 Disney Fairies: http://www.amazon.com/LeapFrog-Activity-Storybook-Disney-Fairies/dp/B001W30E2S/ref=sr_1_9?m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1292876273&sr=1-9 http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51x8gmkL-ML._SL500_AA300_.jpg There are others at this price as well.
  2. There are some listed in the little tikes online holiday sale ad: http://www.littletikes.com/toys/toys-generalcontent.aspx?SiteContent_ID=722&SitePages_ID=84
  3. Target does price-match, I have linked the policy below, however, it specifically excludes "timed" events. And I have had success in past years with getting a price adjustment. http://sites.target.com/site/en/company/page.jsp?contentId=WCMP04-040400 Here is the link to the price adjustment policy, that does not list doorbusters in its exclusions. http://www.target.com/b/ref=br_bx_1/189-3657959-8160941?ie=UTF8&node=2223356011
  4. Walmart has one now for $15 w/ free ship-to-store shipping: http://www.walmart.com/ip/American-Plastic-My-Very-Own-Kitchen/14697193
  5. Does Big Lots take coupons?
  6. What about the craft stores? Michaels, AC Moore, JoAnn Fabrics? Also, I am interested in the HH Gregg ad. This will be the first year we have one for Black Friday so I'm curious to see if they have any good deals.
  7. I was able to use code FIRSTFS25 for free shipping on my order of $25.55 or more.
  8. Amazon.com has some really good deals on toddler\kids Stride Rite shoes. Sizes and colors vary in price so you need to look closely at the pricing and availability chart. I posted just a few of the ones I saw, there are several others on sale also. These are $9.89 (71% off) http://www.amazon.com/Stride-Rite-Toddlers-Bailey-Toddler/dp/B000JYHGEA/ref=sr_1_2?tag2=slickdeals&tag=slickdeals&ie=UTF8&s=apparel&qid=1205283464&sr=1-2 These are $15.59 (69% off) http://www.amazon.com/Stride-Rite-Infant-Toddler-Somersault/dp/B000RI7HV0/ref=pd_bbs_2?ie=UTF8&s=apparel&qid=1205331111&sr=8-2 These are $16.89 (53% off) http://www.amazon.com/Stride-Rite-Angelica-White-Toddler/dp/B000M4YDSO/ref=pd_bbs_4?ie=UTF8&s=apparel&qid=1205331111&sr=8-4 These are $14.89 (68% off) http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000H882ZU
  9. I made my usual weekly (although its been more like daily lately) trip to Target today at lunch. Bulk was still at 15% off, still a lot left. Shutterfly was at 50%. Big stuff like the playhouse (one left) and the sports tables were still at 50%. Baby stuff was at 30 or 50% depending on the item, still a decent amount of strollers left. Lots of newly reduced baby clothes and toys on clearance, most for 50% off. My big find today was a Fisher Price Star station for $10!!! It was on one on the clearance endcaps with no tag so I scanned it and it said $10. My 9 month old doesn't really need it but I couldn't pass it up for that price.
  10. Do you have the DCPI for the playhouse? Thanks!
  11. Make sure he checks both in with the regular picture frames and in electronics. I found the one I got by the regular picture frames but I know earlier this year when they clearanced them some people found them in electronics.:)
  12. I think this is the ASIN: B000TATAMK. The DCPI # didn't work on the search site I use.
  13. I went to the Hanes Mall (Winston-Salem, NC) target at lunch. Toys were 75% off but were very picked over. I got one doll but that was it. I did get some of the picture frame sets that were 75% off ($3.74 each). My big find was a pandigital 8" digital photo frame which was 75% off making it $44.98. Woo hoo!
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