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Posts posted by Mugglemom

  1. I don't need a break because I don't spend all day online like some people.  And check the thread, she started it by bolding her letters and making it a point that she said starting at $4.99.  My apologies to the perfect posters, I actually didn't realize that because all of the pictures she posted minus the minnie one are actually the Mini pillow pets.  I didn't start anything, but I certainly am not going to be bullied.  I am going to attend to my real life though, enjoy your fabulous deal, LOL.  

  2. Maybe it's just me, but I think it's nice for people to take the time to post these deals for others who don't want to take the time to do the same. And IMO, Its kind of rude for people to come and critique someones nice gesture because the deal didn't work out for you. So, thank you OP for the effort :)


    I too think it's nice for people to post deals here, that's why I come here.  However, I also think it's KIND OF RUDE for people to make comments on replies to other people's posts who were just trying to clarify the post.  That's the reason I have been here since 2005 and only have 315 posts, because of rude people who get annoyed easily and then bash other people.  When people reply to good deals, it bumps them up so others can enjoy them.  Starting arguments like this discourage people to post at all.  

    • Like 1
  3. Huge selection of Nike Elite, KD Elite, and Air Jordan socks. 

    Reg. $16-$14, on sale 3 pairs for $30

    If you buy enough, you can use the coupons,


    10HLDY75 for $10 off $75

    20HLDY100 for $20 off $100


    You can also combine with the hoodies that are on sale 2/$35

    It looks like they have re-stocked some sizes since the initial fury last week.




    These almost never go on sale, so enjoy!

  4. So, this might come across the wrong way, but my mom and I were talking about last year and she reminded me of a big complaint I had last year, the smell!


    I think it's a combination of people being awake for 24 + hours without a shower, and the fact that most people have just consumed a large amount of food and haven't had a chance to visit the restroom. Add that to the hot stores and the overload of people, and we have a problem.


    So, should we start a pre-game thread about showering and taking care of your bathroom business before heading out, lol? Maybe I will pack Febreeze in my purse this year?

    • Like 1
  5. Thank you thank you thank you!  My daughter is in love with watching youtube makeup videos and wants a "professional" kit for Christmas.  I love elf products myself and this sale has allowed me to put together an amazing amount of quality makeup for little money.  Now I just need to find a great sale on one of the large Caboodle type makeup boxes and she will have the top gift on her list done!

    Same here, watches them constantly! I ended up getting her the clear acrylic caboodle trays from Target, I knew she would never fit all her stuff in a case let alone close it up when she was done!

    • Like 1
  6. I haven't seen much, but Walmart has a Leapster 2 in their BF ad as a Thursday 8PM sale for $20. I remember Amazon having good deals last year in their Lightning Deals. Which one are you looking for? The Leapster 2 or Leapster Explorer?


    Expires today but Leapfrog.com has the games buy 1 get 1 40% off, free shipping over $40.

    I'm not really sure...my son is 4 and traditionally plays the older kids games like Xbox and Ipod aps. But I'm thinking they might be frying his brain! I saw some games at my local Five Below and thought if I get a good deal on the Leapster 2 system, it wouldn't be a bad idea for a change of pace.


    I didn't see the one at Walmart, thanks for the information....I'm not really trying to get trampled at the 8:00 opening, but hopefully there will be some left over after the stampeed!

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