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About boopy63

  • Birthday 08/15/1963
  1. Enter the following codes for 10 points each, 50 points total!!! Only good for the next 3 days - 10/14 - 10/16, so hurry! SCARY PUMPKIN BOO HOOK AUTUMN
  2. Hello! We have a 60-minute phone/online study taking place Friday, September 9th and Monday, September 12th throughout the day. You will need to be at a computer with high-speed internet access and be willing to make a long distance call in order to participate. You will be compensated $100 for your time. If interested, please reply with the following information. Reply e-mail: [email protected] Name: Phone: Age: Ethnicity: Highest level of education completed: Which of the following broad categories contains your Annual Household Income? ( ) Under $30,000 ( ) $30,000 to $49,999 ( ) $50,000 to $74,999 ( ) 75,000 to $99,999 ( ) $100,000 to $149,999 ( ) $150,000 and over Are you currently in the market to purchase or lease a vehicle? If yes, when do you plan to purchase or lease your next vehicle? ( ) Within 1 month ( ) 1-3 months ( ) 4-6 months ( ) 7-12 months ( ) More than 12 months from now What type of vehicle do you intend to purchase or lease? ( ) New Only ( ) Used Only ( ) Undecided Please rate how important following tasks related to purchasing a vehicle are to you on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is ‘extremely unimportant’ and 10 is ‘extremely important.’ Searching for promotional interest rates or rebates for your new vehicle purchase: Checking insurance rates for your new vehicle: Getting an updated credit score: Researching market prices for your new vehicle purchase: Determining the trade-in value of your current vehicle: What brand or brands are you considering for your next vehicle? In which of the following price ranges is the purchase price of your next vehicle most likely to be? ( ) Under $10K ( ) $10K – 15K ( ) $15k – 20K ( ) $20K – 30K ( ) $30K – 40K ( ) $40K – 55K ( ) $55K – 70K ( ) Over $70K Which of the following resources have you used to research your upcoming vehicle purchase in the last month? ( ) Articles in magazines, journals, or newspapers ( ) Dealerships ( ) Friends, family, colleagues ( ) Internet ( ) Other:________________ How will you most likely purchase your vehicle? ( ) I will lease the vehicle ( ) I will borrow money for part or all of the vehicle purchase ( ) I will pay cash for my vehicle’s purchase price ( ) Other (please specify) If you will borrow money, do you plan to borrow money for your upcoming vehicle purchase? ( ) I will borrow money from a family member, friend, or colleague ( ) I will take out a loan through the dealership. ( ) I will take out a loan through a bank, credit union, or other financial institution. ( ) Other (please specify) ______________ When was the last time you ran a credit report to obtain your credit score? To the best of your ability, please rate your credit on a scale of 1 to 5, where 5 represents excellent credit and 1 represents poor credit: A recruiter will contact you if you can be considered based on your answers. Thanks! No calls please! Brian Gordon Probe Research 212-922-9777 888-454-5417 Fax: 212-504-8201 www.probemarket.com
  3. UserWorks, Inc., a user experience design and usability research firm, is recruiting individuals for a research study for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) regarding complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). The one-on-one interview will take approximately 60 minutes to complete and will be conducted remotely online through web conferencing. You will be paid for your participation. WHO: 1. Primary care physicians, general or family practitioners 2. Nurses and nurse practitioners 3. Physician assistants WHAT:A remote website study WHEN:Tuesday, September 6 through Friday, September 16, 2011 WHERE:From the comfort of your home or office. The computer used for the test must have a high speed Internet connection (e.g., cable, DSL, FIOS or satellite connection). NOTE: If you click on the link and are unable to access the questions, please wait about 1 hour and try again. How to Participate:To determine if you qualify, please click on the link below and complete a brief screening questionnaire. The information that you supply will be treated as confidential and will not be passed on to anyone else. http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/CKBGVSG If you know others who might be interested in participating, please have them reply to [email protected] and list “CAM Study” in the subject line of their email. They should include a telephone number and the best time to reach them in the email, their occupation, and whether they work in a private or group practice or hospital.
  4. Worked for me! Thanks!!
  5. We are currently recruiting individuals to participate in a paid phone and web interview scheduled to take place at your convenience between Thursday, August 4th and Tuesday, August 9th. Compensation for this 30-minute phone and web interview is $55. Please click on the link below and answer a few screening questions to determine if you qualify for this study. http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/V55BZS5 If you appear to qualify based on your answers, a Focus Forward representative will contact you with additional questions. Thank you for your interest in Focus Forward. Claudia Taylor www.focusfwdonline.com PLEASE NOTE: The above is a request for additional information concerning your participation in a market research study. It is not an invitation to participate. If your answers fit the study, we will call you.
  6. Hello! We have a $100 phone/online study taking place August 3, 4 and 5. You must be at a computer during the phone call. The interview lasts 60 minutes and we have times throughout the day from 10am to 6pm. If interested, please fill out the following information: Reply e-mail: [email protected] Name: Phone: Age: Ethnicity: Total annual household income before taxes: ( ) Under 25k ( ) 25k-50k ( ) 50k-75k ( ) 75k-100k ( ) 100k+ Which of the following best describes the style of clothing you like to wear? How many days per week do you wear this style of clothes? Like to Wear How Many days Per Week I wear this style Vintage Western Modern Other - ________ IF YOU CHOSE WESTERN, how many days per week do you wear cowboy boots? How do you purchase your apparel? ( ) In a retail store ( ) Online ( ) I make my own clothes ( ) Other _________________________________ IF YOU CHOSE ONLINE, from what online stores/websites have you purchased your apparel within the last six months? Thinking about what you spend on clothing, footwear and accessories for just yourself, what portion of your total spending is on this style of apparel? ( ) Less than 25% ( ) 25% - 50% ( ) 50 % - 75% ( ) More than 75% In your free time, in which of the following activities do you like to participate? ( ) Hunting ( ) Fishing ( ) Football ( ) Horseback riding ( ) Rodeo or bull riding ( ) Target shooting ( ) Hiking or walking ( ) Listening to country music ( ) Dancing ( ) Playing cards ( ) Playing musical instruments ( ) Singing ( ) Reading ( ) Other ***********************_______________________________ A recruiter will contact you if you qualify. Thank you!! No calls!! Brian Gordon Probe Research 212-922-9777 888-454-5417 Fax: 212-504-8201 www.probemarket.com
  7. We are currently recruiting men and women to participate in a paid online bulletin board scheduled to take place from Monday, August 1st through Sunday, August 28th. Compensation for the 4-week online bulletin board, where you would need to log in on 10occasions for about 45 minutes each time, is $500. Please click on the link below and answer a few screening questions to determine if you qualify for this study. http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/YFXBDTC If you appear to qualify based on your answers, a Focus Forward representative will contact you with additional questions. Thank you for your interest in Focus Forward. Claudia Taylor www.focusfwdonline.com
  8. CHASEN RESEARCH is conducting a market research study on SMALL KITCHEN APPLIANCES If you qualify and participate you will receive $75 for your time and opinions. No sales involved, ever! We are looking for Men and Women 21-65 years old to participate in an Online Community Monday, July 18th, Tuesday, July 19th and Friday, July 22nd (approximately 40 minutes per day) To start, please click on the link below. http://chasenresearch.appliances.sgizmo.com You received this message because you are part of Chasen Research’s participant database. As part of this database, you have agreed to be contacted when study opportunities arise that fit your demographic criteria.
  9. Thanks for the point info!!!
  10. We are looking for people 18 and older to participate in a focus group regarding Entertainment. It will be an online blog discussion during April 3 thru April 5. The blogs should take about 30 minutes each and you will receive $150. If you would like to participate please follow the link below and fill out the pre-discussion questionnaire. If you qualify, we will contact you to schedule your appointment. Use the link below to fill out the questionnaire. Please make sure to fully complete the survey in order to be considered for this discussion. You can select the link or copy the entire link and paste it into the address or location line of your Web browser. Make sure you copy and paste the entire link; it may appear on multiple lines. Thank you for your time! https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/entertainmentblog Great News: QI is now on Facebook! If you want to know about the latest research projects being conducted by QI “like” us at www.facebook.com/q-insights Jairo Rojas Research Coordinator Qualitative Insights
  11. Thanks! I got in!!! I got in!!!! I got in!!!!!
  12. When I logged into my account there was also a 40 point survey available for Rheumatoid Arthritis. Check it out!!
  13. We are currently conducting a study regarding home entertainment and are looking for males and females between the ages of 25-45. This will be a 20 minute phone interview from Tuesday, March 8th through Friday, March 11th between the hours of 9AM to 5PM pacific standard time. As mentioned phone interview will last 20 minutes and as a token of our appreciation you will be mailed $30.00 for your time. If you are interested in being a part of our research study, please click on the link below and fill out all the questions. If you fit the criteria we are looking for, one of our recruiters will call you to follow up. Use the link below to fill out the questionnaire. You can select the link or copy the entire link and paste it into the address or location line of your Web browser. Make sure you copy and paste the entirelink; it may appear on multiple lines. https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/VK2011 Since space is limited – if you do not hear back from us or if the survey is closed this means the study is full. We will definitely keep you in mind for future studies! Please Note:We are not accepting call-ins for this project. Please free to forward this to anyone who you think may be interested Thanks, Vardan Kirakosyan Research Associate Qualitative Insights
  14. New 40 Point survey posted! If you are a member, log into your account and see if it's available to you. Good luck!!
  15. Hi! WE have a $75 remote study. We would send you a workbook that you would need to work spend 30 minutes per day - on Saturday, Feb 5th , Sunday - Feb 6th AND Monday – February 7th. We would give you FEDEX information and you would need to FEDEX the assignment back to us on Monday completed. WE would then mail you a check for $75. If interested e-mail responses to [email protected] Complete Name Telephone Number State that you live in What is your employment status/Occupation? Age Do you have children under the age of 18 living at home with you? IF yes, what are their ages? Are you married or single? What is your ethnic background? Do you have internet access at home? Which, if any, of the following do you pay for on a regular basis? Babysitter Landscaper/Lawn Service Contractor/Handyman Snow Removal Painter House Cleaning Tutors Music/Other lessons Coaches Kids Allowance Giving Money to your kids for non-allowance expenses Which, if any of the following do you use? Do some or all of your banking online Pay bills online Pay Bills via mobile application None of the Above How often do you have cash transactions with other people (not businesses) – this could include splitting a bill, paying someone for a service such as babysitting or mowing the lawn, borrowing or lending money? 1+X/week 2-3X per month Once a Month Less Often than 1X per month NO CALLS!!!!! Lynette Eberhart Probe Research 212-922-9777 888-454-5417 Fax 212-504-8201 www.probemarket.com FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK WHERE WE WILL LIST ALL OF OUR FOCUS GROUPS NATIONALLY AND CONTACT INFO!!!! http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/pages/Probe-Market-Research/123233094363198?ref=ts
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