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Posts posted by UMTerp

  1. after a two week vacation I was back at target today but kind of dissapointing didn't find much just some workout clothes 50% and a sport bra $75 I saw some bathroom scales that I'm interested but they are 50% I'm wating for 75% if you see this please let me know

    Make sure you try the scale if you buy one. I bought one of the digital ones on clearance last week. My weight changed by 10 pounds depending on where on the bathroom floor I set the scale. I know my floor isn't slanted (at least not that much - standard tile floor). Just an FYI.



  2. My rebate was short too. I didn't know I could call. This was a few months ago so it's probably too late now. I also had problems where sale items didn't ring up correctly. I don't think I'll be going there anymore. This is a relatively new store so maybe they don't have their act together. I don't know...



  3. Does anyone know if any of the codes ever work with Clarks shoes? I have tried at least 5 codes and none of them work with Clarks. I keep getting a message that Clarks England is not participating in xxx offer.





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