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  1. Thanks. I guess I will try to hit the store once the Rose Parade traffic dissipates. It is always such a mess. Maybe I can get some of the ELF stuff. Stores had very little left. As for the lack of posts, I think it has more to do with the lack of decent clearance than anything else. I have looked at other sites and even FB groups (hate them) and seen little all year. Very hit or miss since Target implemented Just In Time for their inventory. They also do a lousy job of keeping stuff in stock in some areas. Can't seem to get it right.
  2. Not sure if this is just an LA 25 thing or if all stores are seeing it, but they are keeping more of the clearance in the home location where it was at full price rather than moving it to end caps. I was at a store yesterday and over heard a conversation with a department manager and the main store manager discussing the fact that this is a new directive. Not that there won't be some consolidation on end caps, but that they are to leave clearance in place where possible. So, you will have to look a little harder for it. It might be an LA 25 thing. They are doing some experimentation with 25 LA stores to see if some new ideas work. They are doing pretty major remodels and changing the look and feel. The home areas look more like a Kohls with furniture displays set up in sitting areas and much more open displays. Different types of signs and lighting. They remodelled guest services so they look like movie theater sales counters with bright, LED lights over big displays of candy and stuff that is normally at the check lanes. The WORST thing they are doing is removing the Target Cafe and replacing it with a Which Wich. That means no more popcorn, hot dogs, Icees, pretzels or pizzas. The Which Wich will be staffed by outside employees (not Target employees), so I am sure they see it as a cost savings. Since I don't go to Target for lunch, but do occasionally like a snack (and think of all the mommas who are not going to be able to get popcorn for their kiddos!), so I'm not thrilled.
  3. Old Spice swagger antiperspirant/deodorant two packs today for $3.98. I was able to get hey Remington electric shaver at $40 half price for a friend of mine today. They also had several Norelco brand ones similarly priced. They were marking down a bunch of stuff and baby. Mostly large furniture and that kind of stuff.
  4. Well, I went to a few stores And it was just depressing. So very little.
  5. Will he look like bad news where I am. Hit my first store in even though fyndly says marked down, they aren't.
  6. The Wednesday/Thursday thing has more to do with your store. The general trend in our area is Thursday. And based on looking online, they did go today. Can everyone who finds Lego clearance please post the DPCIs? I would like to see which ones were clearance as sometimes they show up without tags (returns, usually), and it is frustrating to have to scan everything. It is helpful to know which DPCIs were clearance in the first place. Most of our stores are well out of the Legos, but at least I can try stalking them if I know what to look for. THanks!
  7. Toys should go tomorrow or next week at the latest. But there is so little left it is hardly worth watching, here
  8. Weakest to Clarence ever. Though they were bringing out several boxes of stuff from the back today at one store
  9. Yep, that's the one I tried. The Madre store has nothing left. I just need paper. I got the rest of what I wanted (ziplocs & plates) on Saturday. I had to take my son to Montclair for a tournament, so I hit those stores out there between Montclair & Ontario. There was nothing left at the Ontario Mills store. But the Walmart out there in between, along the 10, was good.
  10. The food stocking stuffers are part of the 30, but he toys and stuff are part of the 50. it seems to be a tossup on some of the stuff like lip balm. Still 30/50 here too. Bummed! I guess it will be tomorrow after all. I was hopeful after going back through the last couple of year's posts. Most places went the 30th in 2013 & 2014. I also saw someone post on a Facebook site that theirs had gone today. It needs to go tomorrow so I can use my last 5% pharmacy reward. The Rose Parade always prevents me from going out on the 1st, when it expires. I want to use it and stack it with the toy 15% cartwheel and my red card 5%. With the stacking it takes you close to 50% on some stuff, and I want to get some of the Lego before they are gone....
  11. I think tomorrow. It has been the 30th here most years. Only one of my stores has anything left anyway. I just want some of the paper and some Cella's at 50%. I was only able to get one box of Cella's at a Walmart so far. Got the kid's candy at Walmart already. I got Ziplocs out the wazoo. Really miss the napkins....
  12. It varies by location. Goodwill, Salvation Army, Big Lots, local thrift chains, online through Liquidation.com (I've see lots from NJ and NV on there).
  13. anybody go out yet today? still 50/70?
  14. Still 50/70 here. I'm only looking for tootsie rolls and caramel applie pops if they go 70%. And maybe some cake mix if it is still there.
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