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Everything posted by gabbymiddle

  1. Same here I was issued a refund.
  2. Thanks, I got the round bed and the house for 17.17 shipped! I am hoping that the round bed will fit in the house, so it's nice and cozy :)
  3. Thanks! I got a wallet for $4.99 shipped.
  4. sold out of 42 and 44. Ugh. Thank would have been a fantastic deal for us. Thanks for posting.
  5. Wanted to mention that there are two different versions of Planet Earth. The BBC and the Discovery. One is narrated by David Attenborough and the other by Sigorney Weaver. I am actually from England but like the Sigorney one better. I find her voice soothing. The Attenborough ones seem to be available at Barnesandnoble , etc. Found these links on youtube to compare if anyone is interested Attenborough Weaver
  6. I love it, It will be perfect for the zoo in the summer. I will use mine basically like a purse. My hubby likes the idea of being able to carry a camera and some bottles of water. Emma
  7. Awesome! Thanks, I bought a pink one for me and a grey one for hubby!
  8. I got an email from endless for $20 off boots if you spend either $50 or $100. Would be taken off in checkout. I am wondering if this was a glitch to do with that? Oh well. I keep watching for a deal on boots.
  9. OK, I just bought some stride rite shoes for my youngest son too, price $22.50 after negative $5. Thanks again
  10. Wow, I just bought a pair of Naturalizer boots for $19 something total. Thanks so much!!
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