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Everything posted by mnhonkerhunter

  1. Found this one. It has pretty good reviews. CC had a Polaroid and an Olevia w/ free ship yesterday (as I mentioned), so I would think there would be more out there, especially given the time of year. Thanks! Chad
  2. I'm (obviously) new to the board and to HDTV's. I was sitting on a couple deals at Circuit City and I woke up this morning and found out the sale ended yesterday. I only blame myself, as I kept reading reviews,etc. so as not to make a mistake...should have just bit the bullet and bought one. Anyway, I'm a total knuckhead when it comes to HD, and am on a serious cash leash with this purchase, as my wife doesn't exactly think it's the best idea in the world. Does anyone know of any solid TV's in $500'ish range? Thanks! Chad
  3. Funny you should mention that, I literally just mentioned that to my wife minutes ago! :)
  4. First post....I've spent about every waking second for the past several days reading through posts on this site, it is AMAZING! I am sooooo thankful to have found it. We are looking to get our daughter a new bed, she's 5 and is outgrowing her toddler bed. A very basic headboard/etc. would be fine, as we are going to 'do it up' with Princess bedding,etc. Thanks in advance. Chad
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