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  1. 10% off rebate is active from Sandisk until 12/24/06, making this $184.99 at amazon.com - $9 if you use your Discover card - $18.50 rebate = $158.
  2. The 8GB Sansa is $220 at Circuit City right now. That would make it $220 - $10 * 88% = $185.00. Has anyone had any experiences where they would match something like this? Because then $190 - $10 * 88% = $159... and I'm sold!
  3. Not a bad idea, that might actually work. Too bad it'd only be $4 less than Staples, then I'll just have to wait for another one of those sweet Sandisk rebates!
  4. Well, it's in the paper now for $189.95 at Staples, I think. Wonder if Circuit City would pricematch this and let you use a $15 off $100 coupon. Doubt it.
  5. I don't see this deal anymore. In fact, I don't even see it for the $180... looks to be about $205 at the same sight now. Something I'm missing?
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