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Everything posted by kristie4

  1. Don't know if anyone had any problems with this dvd player. I bought one months ago and all of a sudden it doesn't work. One day it worked and the next it will not turn on.
  2. When the cashier asked me how much I mumbled .99? She was saying $4, $2.99? Then she just put in 1.75. Oh well, but that was fun.
  3. I found something that came up item not found. It is a Disney Princess fairy cosmetic set. Comes with lipgloss, nailpolish with some kind of a feather on top. Also includes a cosmetic bag. Cashier gave it to me for about 1.75. Don't know what the regular price was. Anyone seen this?
  4. Hi. Have not posted here in over a year but hello to all. I did go by Walmart and found a bedroom set for the Dora Talking House for $5. Don't know if it has been any cheaper but bought the Dora House last year on Amazon for 12.99. It doesn't have any furniture so I went ahead and got one. Went to a Target further away and did not find the things I wanted at 75%.They were only 50%. They had the I can play guitar at 75% off but didn 't know who to give it to nor do I have the fisher price coupon. I used to get the Parade in my Sunday paper but no more. Now we have the US News Today instead. Or something like that. I did get the Dora talking vanity at a new Target by me for 19.98. So thanks for the tips.:)
  5. I paid more than the deals stated here because the Easy ups went from 8.50 to 9.54. The 8.50 sale was from last week. Still not bad but one day too late. I have been so focused on CVS I didn't see this deal. Plus with the cost of gas it is sometimes not worth the trip to Target.
  6. I bought 2 the first time with bounty paper towels. Then when I saw that she was taking the coupons I went ahead and used the last 2 pampers coupons I had and did the deal again with the same cashier. Didn't want to risk another time with another cashier.
  7. I will try the guys :) Just cannot stand the hassle.
  8. Is this last week's deal? I don't see it in this week's add.
  9. I don't understand why you could not get the free wipes. I went this evening too and I am not used to Target as it is a little too far. I went with all the coupons and got to use them. I paid $1 more for each Pampers because the sale ended last night. But I shouldn't complain. The free wipes is a manufacturers coupon. It should have gone through. I was more concerned with doubling up on the Target $3 off and $5 off 20. When she took it all, I went back and got more diapers and wipes. I paid $5 ish. I should have used the $5 gift card I got from buying the 2 Bounty paper towels but I forgot. Next time look for a young friendly cashier and not the stuffy looking ones. Better luck next time. It can be a downer when things don't work out.
  10. Sorry. Wrong product. I was confused between the automatic shower cleaner and the Freshamatic.
  11. I got the automatic shower cleaner. It was on sale for $20. I used a $10 off coupon and I am sending in the rebate for $5. That makes it a $5 purchase. Also got the Oral B Pulsar Crossaction toothbrush for $5.99 and am sending in for a rebate of $5.99.
  12. We would consider that but if I return it to TRU they said they would give me a full refund on the shipping. It doesn't seem from the response here that many bought it though. Maybe it will come up again because the only reason I think they took it off was because of the mess up in description.
  13. Really? Why do you say this? I would think any business would want personable reps. I wonder if the one who offered me full shipping reimbursement got in trouble.
  14. Yes, I do know I am in my full rights. I am waiting for my husband to return from his trip to decide if it is worth the $89 as we do want a dvd player for the car for baby daughter on long road trips. She loves to watch Mickey Mouse. I still think the $15 shipping with the $25 reimbursement is still too much. The last rep promised me the full $40 back as a courtesy. That would have bee good business. This is about the third time I have had problems with TRU. What is going on there? Maybe there supervisors lack common sense. It all depends on which one you get when you call. I am sending a letter to head office about this. Surely they must care about public relations?
  15. Well, I didn't get my credit for the $40 shipping. When I called back I was told that the supervisor did not okay the credit because he says that is the correct charge. No one bothered to call me. I told the customer service rep to please look for a smart supervisor because some of them seem quite lacking in common sense. Now this supervisor says the shipping goes by size. So ridiculous. I told them in that case I got larger boxes from TRU for less shipping. He finally said he would take off $25 for the shipping if I decided to keep it. I am waiting for my husband to come back from his trip. I finally told the customer service rep that common courtesy would have been to reimburse the full shipping considering I was sold one item and shipped another. I pretty much told her that the supervisors there can be quite stupid. I didn't want to call back and get one of those again. Goodwill judgement would have been for a full reimbursement. There must be some legal ramifications for wrong advertising. If the right supervisor had been there I would have gotten the full $40. The only reason we might be keeping it is because this still might be a good price for the 7 inch. Any opinions on this?
  16. I got mine today. I called right away. I am not sure if my husband wants to keep it. He is away, but for sure I am not paying $40 shipping. The customer service put in a request for reimbursement for the shipping and if we decide to return it we will not have to pay the return shipping. That would be the only fair thing to do. She agreed right away that the shipping was outrageous for this. It was priced for a 40lb item, which it is not. Just waiting for an email response from that department. TRU is such a problem!
  17. So it wasn't too great? I am still waiting for mine. They told me to call back when I receive it. If it is a good one I think it is still a good price but the shipping is outrageous.
  18. I just got an email saying that my order was shipped. However, the desciption in the email is a "7 inch dual monitor." I called tru to question the shipping charges and they are telling me it is still about right to charge the 39.99. I told the customer service agent that it must be incorrect if it is only 7 inches. She told me to call back in 3 days as they are looking into it. In any event she says I have to pay the return charges if I am not happy with it. I told her that since I ordered a 17" LCD TV and was actually sent a 7" monitor, TRU is responsible for the return charges. This is really bad business. Well, lets see what happens when we finally get. Anyone else called in about this?
  19. They have it online for this price. However, it is not the same brand as the one originally posted. I see the shipping is only 9.99 and I paid 39.99 for my dual screen. I think I will call them for a credit once I get it if I ever get it.
  20. It still says unavailable. I am waiting for it to come back so I can check the shipping.
  21. So do you think that we should be paying less for shipping since it is actually 7 in and not 17. I figured it was 7 for the price and I bought it anyway. I need one in the car to keep my little girl happy for long trips. But I am not sure about the shipping. Maybe I will call tru about that. Let me know if anyone hears anything about the shipping costs :)
  22. Where is Belks?
  23. Thanks. This is even better than amazon because you get the modem for free with rebate and you get cash back instead of gift certificate. Than you so much!
  24. Is there a contract with this? I am wondering if I have the option to cancel after the 6 months.
  25. My free item was cancelled too after I used up my Google discount. I called in and told them to cancel the whole order as I only bought because of the free item. Of course they said not possible at this point and I will have to return it. How strange that the free item is the one they cancelled.
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