Just got back from target, I got
canopy for 25.xx orig. 59.99
dora backpack chair 5.99 orig. 19.99
candy corn soda .33
soccer slides 3.98
shin gards 6.xx
going back tomorrow for some more candy corn soda. Hopefully it will be 90% off.
http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b274/jaclynmcfayden/th_41SbWPEtSPL__SS500_.jpg I found the barbie fashion fever stylin'purse in the clearance section for 3.68:eyepoppin
This is my first time finding something on clearance. So I am very excited to tell you all that I found the barbie jam with me kareoke piano for 9.68 in the clearance section. It was the only one left. My dd wanted one last year but they were 39.99. So quess what she's getting this year! LOL!