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Posts posted by kaye33lynn

  1. O.K. Here goes, I'm not sure i am in the right thread but I'm still new at this so i will do the best i can. Speaking of mystery shopping about 2 weeks ago i got a letter saying they were a reputable co. called A.P. customer service evaluation inc. best source for secret shopper employment. They said my name had been selected from there data bank to be a secret shopper for them, also in the letter was a check for 2,490 dollars it explained what my first ass. would be and for me to deposit the check in my bank account. I was to buy something from JC Penny and something from walmart for 50.00 each 210 was to be mine and the other were to be for money grams they would inform me later how to do it. And trust me the check was as authentic looking as any i have ever seen. But i took it to my bank and they would not deposit it in my account and said that it was probably fradulent.so i get home and call them the lady was supposed to call mt bank and call me back. she never did. I tried calling her back last night, and said that person could not be reached at this time. I was just wandering if anyone else has ever got any thing like this and from who. Appreciate any kind of info.:)
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