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About ehstrojette

  • Birthday 09/15/1971
  1. ehstrojette

    Bass pro shop

    Is the deals for online as well, My son wants the 88.00 field camera
  2. Wore my shirt and got tons of compliments and few took picture of the back of my shirt to send to their friends. One note, dont wear dark blue at walmart, must have had 4 people ask me where things were..good thing was I told them where they were located and just smiled. Also Thanks for the freebies in my box. Using my $5.00 Amazon GC today
  3. what great news. I can't wait to wear mine on Black Friday.. I mean Black turkey day..lol
  4. Thanks Brad for the reply
  5. I was wondering if they had been shipped or do we know a date they will be. I was talking about black friday shopping and told them about my shirt I ordered. Can't wait to see what I get as my bonus also
  6. sent my order through paypal.. cant wait to see what goodies I get.. thanks for making this possible
  7. Walmart manager told me that anything you have bought before BF or have on layaway could not be adjusted to the BF ad prices. If it is on sale after you bought it on any other day you can.
  8. I am going with the 10pm doorbusters then 4 am sale. I can't see them doing it at 8pm. Looks like I will be shopping till like 2 then going home and going to bed.
  9. The tired feeling the rest of the day Friday knowing you got the best deals and your kids will be so excited. The other is having my mom come from NY every year for Thanksgiving and our annual shopping on Black friday. Driving 624 miles to shop with me is awesome
  10. i just noticed this and reallllllly wanted a shirt.. can i order?
  11. I want to buy this shirt. I need this shirt since I talked about this just the other day. PLease make them available for purchase
  12. http://www.kmart.com/shc/s/p_10151_10104_020W025343510001P?prdNo=2&blockNo=2&blockType=G2 probably this netbook and it has horrible reviews
  13. i believe Kmart has it for 24.99
  14. http://www.amazon.com/Lite-Universal-Game-Max-Boy-Advance/dp/B001Q9787M/ref=pd_sbs_misc_11 this is what I bought for both kids. it is awesome, has lots of room for both charger and car plug and slots for 8 games on top
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