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  1. I used it around 2:30pm yesterday and it worked. Thanks OP.
  2. I just bought one of these the other day for my dd. She likes it but I still like the rotary toothbrushes. I think they do a better job.
  3. Worked great! Thanks for the instructions.
  4. This is a great idea. If you have time, can you please give a technically challenged person more detailed instructions on how to do this. I can't seem to figure out how to do this.
  5. This is borrowed. I haven't personally tried it. $20 off any purchase at DaleandThomaspopcorn.com Use code NANNY7 exp. 8/25 http://www.daleandthomaspopcorn.com/
  6. FashionBug.com Family & Friends sale. 40% off regular priced items 30% off clearance items Valid 4/28-4/29 [Restrictions apply] Free Shipping on $50+ order. Fashion Bug Coupon Code: 776181703 Exp. 4/30/07 Save $10 off $50 Order. Fashion Bug Coupon Code: 776182909* Exp. 7/26/07 Save 15% on any order. Fashion Bug Coupon Code: 776182800* Exp. 7/26/07 Free Shipping on $75+ Order. Fashion Bug Coupon Code: 776183105* Exp. 7/26/07 Save $20 off $75 Order. Fashion Bug Coupon Code: 776183006 * Exp. 7/26/07 Free Fashion Bug beach towel with $100+ swimwear, flip-flops or cover-ups order. While supplies last. Exp. 4/30/07 http://fashionbug.charmingshoppes.com/pagebuilder/HOME?mkcl=406122&jrl=010004061220109222141&source=800174&clk=31721
  7. I wasn't responding to your reply. You obviously know where the rebates come from because you have done it before. I was just simply stating it comes from Kingston for those who might not be sure. And I was letting her know how long it takes because I have my records available because I have a rebate I am waiting on. I was just answering her questions. Sorry if you took it personally.
  8. The rebate will be coming from Kingston not Buy.com. I submitted a rebate to Kingston 1/28/07. Still waiting. There is a website that you can track your rebate on. Just to give you an idea of the time frame, they received mine on 2/6/07 and it says it is still being processed. I think the form says rebate will be mailed in 4-6 weeks so hopefully mine will be mailed soon. HTH
  9. Great price. I just purchased the Canon Powershot S2 for $232.xx through Dell and I absolutely love it. I do not think you will be disappointed with the S3.
  10. $10 off $25 coupon code 044141777 exp. 3/24 Half off on paper coupon code 073649244 exp. 3/17
  11. I was wondering what corporate said about the store saying they would only accept 1 coupon? I went to the same Target today that wouldn't take my printed coupons a month or so ago because they said "Target Web Coupon" on them. Manager told me at that time, "they can only be used online." I called corporate and they must have done something about it because the store took my printed coupons with no problem today. Hopefully they will do something about your store.
  12. Dell offers on site support instead of mailing your laptop to them. Can anyone tell me if this is worth the extra $$$?
  13. Borrowed... $15 off $15 at Lane Bryant. In store only. $25 off $75 Valid online and in store $50 off $150 Valid online and in store $75 off $225 Valid online and in store http://lanebryant.charmingshoppes.com/pagebuilder/021207_giftcheque?mkcl=402295&jrl=070004022950019333746&source=200098&clk=29491
  14. I also saw that they had some at the photo counter.
  15. Something similar happened to me last month. They wouldn't take the coupons because they said they were Target Web coupons and could only be used online. Duh...Target does not sell potato chips online. I called and emailed customer service. The rep I spoke to said they are supposed to take the coupons and each store does not make up their own policies. He said he would put in a complaint about the store.
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