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Posts posted by ediesbeads

  1. My in-laws are anti black THURSDAY! They were quite miffed that I headed out Thursday evening to start my shopping. I don't know what the big whoop was. It was well after dinner was over. And we were there all weekend so it's not like I was taking away from family time. I was going out SOME time anyway. I think it may be a thing about supporting sales on a holiday when people should be home with their family. I've always respected that and never did the Kmart Thanksgiving day sale, but by 10 pm Thanksgiving is pretty much done in my opinion. I hope it doesn't get much earlier though!
  2. I am totally lusting after an iPad mini! I've wanted my own iPad for a long time, and this is more affordable, and I like the size better! I've had the use of an iPad 1, but it belongs to DH's school, so I generally only get it on the weekends. The regular iPad is really too big to fit into my purse, but the iPad mini would be awesome! We have iPhones, and purchase games and apps for those, plus some iPad games. So I think staying within the apple family will be the most cost effective for us. DD wants a touch so she doesn't have to keep stealing my phone to play on, but if we get a mini, we might just share it! DH wants the iPhone 5. If he gets that, I will inherit his iPhone 4, and DD will get my iPhone 3GS to use as a touch! LOL! It's all good!
  3. My kids are outgrowing EVERYTHING! I think I'm going to hit the clothing deals heavily this year, and not save it for Christmas... just get clothing that fits for all my kids LOL! Last year I bought DS (7) a few $4 deal sweatshirts at Walmart. One fell apart at the neckline, but he still wears it. I think I need to buy more of that type of thing... just to get through winter. Jeans especially if they have good deals. DD (10) is harder because she's moving into Jr. sizes. I should find lots for DD (4).


    How about you? Is Black Friday all about Christmas, or do you just wait for the deals for everyday stuff as well?



  4. If your kids aren't too picky about NEW games... www.goozex.com is a great place to get games. It's a trading place, but they let you buy trade credits and trade points, so you don't have to trade if you don't want to. You can't always get evern game you want, but they have tons, and if you are looking for older games they are cheap and easy to get.



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