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  1. I got the stroller at Justice...I think it was 15 and I had a 40% off coupon. They have lots of stuff for Zhu Zhus I got the babies at Build a bear...who would have guessed they were on the band wagon but they are...I got 2 for 18 and change. I havnt seen the babies elsewhere and they had lots of them...they come individually and have a few baby items with them like bottle, binkie, etc.
  2. There isnt one but here is what you can do. Call the store and talk to a manager...its so much easier to do on the phone, tell her you lost it and she will tell you its no big deal. I swear I put mine in my purse yesterday and when I got there I rooted and rooted and never found it and she just did it for me. They are really kind about it! Good luck!
  3. I did the same thing...went from store to store and you are right, their quality is the worst! It was sooo much better when it was ltd too and I was happy to pay a bit more. I hardle even browsed the clothes rack.
  4. Thanks I went today and scored BIG! First, the B1G1 accesorry deal has not been around in forever and I love it! Gloves and scarves were included so gloves were 6 bucks so thats 3 bucks per pair and then the 40% off made them less than 2 bucks a pair. I love the deal on the movies. Bolt, 17 again, and HSM3 were all included in the B1G1 and they were 20 each so that made them 12 for 2....6 bucks each is awesome! Huge deal on the coats. None of them were marked correctly. If you go, ask them to scan the coats. The brown leather bomber with the coupon is only 7.XX and the Army Green Winter coat is also only 7.XX. The puffer coats are 19 something with the discount as well. The stores in Cols Oh still had loads left. I dont really think their clothes are that great but the coats are awesome! And I do love the B!G! acces. Oh, the bags were a great deal! Several back packs and little duffel bags were on sale for 9.99 so thats 5 each and then 40 off so they were like 3 bucks each. I guess, you should run, like I did, to get the great deals!!!
  5. It is now priced at 35.85 without any additional discounts....I love it so much, I bookmarked it and keep checking and sure enough it went down today! Thanks
  6. Me too. I couldnt find any other codes....but I LOVE that coat! THanks!!!
  7. I dont have a printable but they do have one out for up to 40% off (as they always do) The store staff is always really great and they never give me trouble. Just call, and tell them that you must have got one in the mail but its lost (because you cant find it) and I am sure the girl will tell you its no big deal. Get her name and when you go in no explaining is nec. just tell them " Jane said you could give me a code" I think the coupon is good until like the 12 and I am sure we will get another on the 11th. If you really dont wanna fib, email corporate or call them and I am sure they will tell you to do the same thing. Also, if you are interested, people are selling their jbucks which are 50% off on ebay.
  8. Wow...after the hype about it being only one day...maybe they listened to all the complaints because it is all still available. It is all listed in Sale items under spotlight savings....looks like only a few things are sold out. Now, if we could just get a free shipping code....peolple like me that ordered yesterday, may just place one more order....lol
  9. Just to clarify.... The email says....."UP to 50% off on more than 50 items" Just didnt want anyone to get excited that the whole site is on sale! I have a feeling that it will be one item 50% off and the rest more like 20% off. Hope I am wrong but we will see tomorrow!
  10. I thought this was a pretty good deal I bought 6 refills which reg. priced would have been 75.00 They are on sale for 6.00 Then used code tenthirty and got 10 bucks off and shipping is discounted to 5.95 for entire order. It would have been a better deal to only get 5 because of the percentage off reaching exactly 30 but I really wanted the online exclusives so I splurged...lol final sale with tax was 34.11 more than half off http://www.bathandbodyworks.com
  11. I had trouble with the code today so I googled and was able to find a site that if you click on their link, it applies the code and I was able to snag free shipping. Not sure if I am allowed to post link to another savings site so if you have trouble...google a code. Also, on their site, the bedding I was looking for showed discontinued so I did a google search to maybe see if it was avail elsewhere and a link to the Amer girl site came up with it avail...not sure if I will get it...it may be an old link???Not sure but just wanted to share.
  12. I agree...this is the best deal and it wont last!
  13. YEah....glad it is working for everyone. FYI...there was also no sales tax for me so no tax and no shipping makes me a happy shopper!
  14. I have no idea how long it is good for... pf99058 Used it today with no trouble and I do not believe there is a minimum order. The one thing I was looking for is now out of stock so I suggest ordering soon to prevent the same for you! http://store.americangirl.com/agshop/static/home.jsf
  15. That link takes you to womens shoes B1G1 There are also childrens and mens shoes included the sale that are found at www.crocs.com
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