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Everything posted by studintx

  1. Looks like they changed their policy today and they WILL be matching all Black Friday Store Ads, Online still a no go..
  2. 60% Discount with code DAD
  3. Waiting on a $150.00 from CC from a BF notebook, and $13 for the 2gig SD Card and 5 Free HD DVD's from my XBOX HD DVD Player.
  4. is the Mail In Rebate limited to one per household? My sister and I both bought a Compaq and I want to know before I waste my effort mailing it in???
  5. Camped out at CC got the $299 notebook waited another 4 hours just to check out, they only had ONE REGISTER to check people out for the notebooks. San Antonio, Texas
  6. I had my buddy sit in and I went to eat dinner and change and came back I was camped out since 6pm Thursday.
  7. I got A Vostro Desktop very nice PC, I also have my BF dv6000 HP from Best Buy both very good machines..
  8. I think I remember this at my BB too
  9. I camped out in BB for the notebook i'm on now this year my friend wants to get one so I will sit it out with him and pick something up myself to be determined!!!
  10. will probably get to best buy around 2 pm my buddy will be the one doing most of the camping since I did last year
  11. thanks for the heads up just applied for small business credit got 10k so I got one thanks!!
  12. May just have call me gf and see if she can get me the employee price on the SP
  13. How much is the Service plan on the 379.99 notebook, I know you have like 14 days to go back and get it, are they basing it on the price you got it for or what its worth when its not on sale....
  14. I think HP doesn't provide them on PC's that have a Burner on it because they figure you can burn them yourself if you really want them...
  15. I camped out for the HP $379.99 got there about 6:30pm there was already 15 people there but fortunately I checked with them and most of them were either getting the HDTV's or the cheaper laptop from Toshiba, so I decided to stay, most of the rush came about 8pm when people saw the line was at about 20 people. The cops came by about a total of 4 times, not to patrol but because people kept calling them over because some people were place-holding for others and it just because quite a scene, I was glad to be towards the front where we were acting civil. at about 4 am they came out with the tickets, they only had 12 of the HP which I knew ahead of time because I had a friend who works at BB scan the SKU the night before Thanksgiving. I got the 8th laptop out of 12, and also the 1 gig mp3 player. I spoke to some of the people around they stated that at one of the Best Buys they were not letting anyone camp out until 2am. The line wrapped around the building. They let quite a few people in at a time and fortunately since I was getting the computer, I grabbed the rest of my stuff first then checked out at the Geek Squad Center where they were ringing them up which was a lot quicker than waiting at the ridiculously long line to checkout...
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