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  1. Nice, better than the one Bestbuy has right now. http://www.bestbuy.com/site//olspage.jsp?id=pcmprd43800050000&skuId=999943600050000&type=product
  2. Here's a link to the article on Business Week: http://www.businessweek.com/bwdaily/dnflash/nov2005/nf20051129_9946_db016.htm?campaign_id=rss_tech
  3. I don't wanna put down HP laptops, I've never owned one before, but I've owned several Toshibas before and they've been wonderful to me.
  4. The guy who gave me the last laptop ticket at BB. And I have been in line since 11.
  5. Never mind, wrong thread.
  6. I'm not sure, but they were hit by a (class action?)lawsuit there a few years back. Something about them not honoring rebates, shady stuffs like that.
  7. All doorbusters are not available, of course.
  8. The only bad thing is alot of em (at least the ones I needed) are not available for store pickup.
  9. Wow, they really can really hold a grudge, eh?
  10. Ehem, it doesn't work that way.
  11. Yep, no BB yet.
  12. BB toshiba laptop and the Athlon eMachine.
  13. BB site is down. When they're back, I think they will have the sale.
  14. Man, I HATE how big chains look exactly the same everywhere.
  15. Don't they always have this offer every Tuesday? I seem to remember that.
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