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Posts posted by fyoufragu

  1. May I also make a suggestion of items to go with the laptop and games. As most of these games are FPS ("first person shooter", basicly the game is from the point of view from the acting player on screen) a laptop can handle new games great, but using the touch pad can be a bit rough.


    May I suggest getting a decent mouse, and head phones (so you don't have to listen and he gets better sound.)


    Just a thought :)

    good idea. new people might not realize that.

  2. I didn't get the Samsung 931bw 19" lcd for $130 from Best Cracker. Sad part is that is the only lcd I'm interested in right now so I'm gonna end up paying full price whenever they get it back in stock. Either that or buy one on ebay because looks like half the people who got it are selling on there.
  3. I got in line at 2 am and stood in line for 3 very cold hours here in Rockford, IL. so my boyfriend who's in a wheelchair could have that darned 22" flat screen monitor he's been lusting after. I was #157 in line. When I got in side I knew right where to go and the stack had already dwindled down and hardly any were left and I saw people with carts full. I was able to get one. It was all I needed. $300 off is was a great deal. Last year he gave me the money for the 19" Samsung flat screen for $229 and last year that seemed like a good deal.

    lol too weird. I am from the Rockford area as well.

  4. I wanted the 19 inch Samsung bad. The specs are unbelievable for the price. Oh well, I doubt they'll get anymore online but that is such a nice monitor I think I'm gonna end up paying full price before long.
  5. I am gonna be kinda pissed if they don't have any more of the things I want available online at least for a while on Friday because most people had no idea stuff went on sale last night at midnight.
  6. I think that the inventory is only affected once the order is placed. I don't think the inventory would be decreased by just adding it to your cart. I could be wrong though and your thought is a possible option for sure.

    I really want that 19 inch Samsung. Idiotic part is I saw it available then came back 15 minutes later to order it and found it had sold out. Guess that's what I get for being a newb to this. Hope it comes back now I have my cc taped to my forehead.
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