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Everything posted by amydale2002

  1. try your walmart. ours had plenty today, and no one was buying them.
  2. try your toy r us. ours had plenty today.
  3. i got one at our Toysrus today. no one was buying them. it is crazy. the still had about 20 left. they are not in there regular area, they were behind a counter, and you got a ticket at the customer service desk.
  4. they were sold out by the time we got back into the site after it crashed. we were at the computer for an hour trying. it let us add to cart, but then said they were out. please let me know if you hear anything again.
  5. me too. i also got online at etoys and kbtoys from 1230-130 and got nothing due to the site crashing. if anyone hears of anymore, please let me know.
  6. i think it is sad that people are buying multiple elmos, and the kids that really want them for christmas will not have one, because we cant pay over $100 for a single elmo on ebay. this is crazy
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