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Posts posted by radnj1972

  1. the one from frys.com was the black version of this TV which is what I wanted anyway since it's for a bedroom. it's also not a 1080 but 720 resolution which again is fine for my needs since its for a bedroom. Specifically it's model: SAMSUNG LNT1953. Wish the ad had the model # ..then could be sure!


    is this the tv?


    It doesn't say the price? It says $479 before savings and save 280 which does equal 199

  2. the store is completely different than the online experience. They both have different sales, different stock.. etc. The store may have their own sale going on. (I saw scans of their ad somewhere on here with some good stuff!)...


    This much I know.. I never stood out in any BF lines ever.. and always was able to find an online/online BF comporable ... just takes a lot of digging and perseverance (and of course this site helps!) ;)



    Thanks. Do you think it would be worth it to go thier in the morning? Instead of lineing up at circuit city?

  3. ...dont think they have any more in stock because it's not on the 'todays special' list anymore on their site. I've bought tons of stuff from Fry's in the past -- and was priveleged enough to visit a store when I was out in Cali (i'm from the east coast).. They are not very consistent with their online "sales". They may have some "thing" in the morning and won't be available in the afternoon. I would just keep checking in .. there's always a good deal!
  4. ...so I saw this in the ad, and on line last nite. $89 bux is a great deal! Online price compares average about $150 for this camera. Technically it appears to be an "in store" item from the looks of the 2 day ad, however, there is an option to "add to cart" but when I do that, the system can't find it. Do you think this item will "magically" appear by tomorrow morning on line? Has anyone had luck with this one ?...



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