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About lovebears65

  • Birthday 06/03/1965
  1. I have a Kohls card. I will look out for them ..Thank you
  2. My son's live in girlfriend wants one for Xmas and I am thinking of buying one for her. What stores last year had the best deal. Is it best to get one now or wait until black Friday?
  3. Anyone of at he best deals in on Kitchen aid mixers over black Friday.. Greatly appreciated thanks
  4. Of all the ads which one has the best Xbox one bundle price in your opinion ..
  5. That XBOX 1 is a good deal. I wanted to get one for my boys for Christmas so I hope I can snag that
  6. I went to Target last night and I found a Morphie phone case for my I phone 5s . Originally it cost 79.95. I got it for 23.80.. Pretty good deal . These are rechargeable cases , http://www.mophie.com/shop/iphone-5/juice-pack-helium-iphone-5
  7. I know these not really toys but I think the xbox 1 and PS4 are going to be big. I already preordered the PS4
  8. I went to Target on Tuesday and did not look through all the post but on the end cap i got 2 HUGE .( meaning the biggest hey carry) of Paul Mitchell shampoo for 7.50 originally 19.99
  9. target I got the flannel sheets for 16.00... The Sonic DS game for 10.00, a flash drive card for 10.00 . Some sleep pants for everyone in family each 10.00 I see a pattern there LOl Spent enough to get 10.00 target gift card Kohls. I got some shirts, and some odds and ends stuff. I spent like 80 dollars so got 15 in Kohls cash Walgreens. I got 3 of the 30 pack of I tunes since I got each boy an apple TV so I got 30.00 in Walgreen gift cards which I turned around and used one to buy 3 Ihome ear phones for their Iphones .. I will be going back to walgreens to spend the other 20 but not sure on what yet Going to CVS later to pick up my son so I have things to get there as well. I got most of my stuff bought for Christmas. My days of camping out are over until I get some grandchildren LOL
  10. Since my tree rotates. I have a video from 2 years ago but it looks the same this year..http://www.youtube.com/user/clearancequeenie?feature=mhee#p/u/4/po9w3Wx4QMU
  11. for 15.00 off 100 order www.toysrus.com
  12. I did a search and could not find one. IS there any out there
  13. It happened it us once and I was not happy with Best buy. I think it was in 2004. I think they get so many new employees some just started the week before and dont know the rules is my guys but still not exceptable
  14. Best buy a few years ago. Sat in line for over 14 hours only to have people holding spaces for 10 people and Best buy didnt do anything and they got all the lap tops. Was totally ticked off , all of voiced our opinions to the manager after that incident the following year total different set up plus the people who went black friday shopping every year knew each other so anyone tried to hold spaces did not happen after that. One year we did call the cops and that guy had to go to the end of the line.
  15. Well, I am not going out this year but if I wanted a hot item (ie computer, lap top, tv ect) I would go around 3pm on Thanksgiving day to camp out until morning. If you go later you might not get the item you want. .. I normally shop in the Pensacola area since we go to my mothers on Thanksgiving and you really dont need to go before then
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