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Posts posted by Twister234

  1. Has anyone heard any of the rumors about what is gonna be added to the Best Buy Black Friday on Wednesday night?

    There is a page of online-only stuff in the BF ad that says they will reveal prices Wednesday. I'm ready for Wednesday night because there are some things on that page I want! I have heard that there will be additional items as well. I would bet we get an email tomorrow to prime our pumps. Someone on here mentioned a 55" TV for $200. At that price I might buy the dog one.

  2. Thanks Best Buy. They sure started out shaky but were quick to jump on the problems and fix them. It looks like the deals are still up. I don't recall the deals lasting that long last year. Maybe some got disgusted and quit trying this morning which left more inventory. Got everything I was after. Now let's hope they don't start cancelling orders like before.
  3. I gave them a specific situation where I bought an item next week and then discovered it in their ad. Same canned answer. I think they are going to either do it, just not publicize it, or they are going to change the policy and they just haven't decided to what degree yet.
  4. Good story. I can't imagine Walmart not having huge gains in sales. After all there is no telling how much money they made off the "secret items". Surely they sold billions of those " secret bath robes". I was in one of the stores yesterday around noon after the madness and there were LOTS of those "hot" items that everyone held their breath to see on Thanksgiving day still sitting in the aisles and not a lot of people were shopping. I left there and went to Target where it still looked like the doors had only been open five minutes. That was my first visit to a Super Target and I have to tell you, I was impressed. Clean, bright, well stocked, and even associates in the aisles pointing you to the register with the shortest lines. Wake up Walmart.... Stop by Target and see how it should be done. I wonder if they have marked the "secret robes" down yet..... I might start next year's shopping early.:tired:
  5. I am having the same problem. The link takes me to the page and all of the scans are listed vertically but there are no links or choices of pdf or zip files. It worked fine until the change to vertical listings. Is it me? BTW, Thanks to Brad and all for the ahrd work.:confused:
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