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Posts posted by gzc721

  1. I think that it is really sad that not only the corporate powers that be, but the consumers have pushed and pushed until there is no longer really a Black Friday.  I feel really bad for all of the people who have to work and give up THEIR family time just to make some people happy so they can shop and feel like they are getting "deals" on Thanksgiving.  My husband has worked in retail for over 16 years and every year it gets worse.  I know he picked that job, but it wasn't like this even 5 years ago when people still respected family time and holidays.

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  2. You also get a $10 gift card with every $100 purchase you make at Target. Which brings it down to $139.99.

    Just an FYI in fine print the $10 gift card deal for $100 spent states "may not be a one item purchase for over $100". So I take that to mean it has to be many different items totaling $100.

  3. My first BF experience was when those crazy Furbee (hope it's spelled right) thingies were hot. My sister (of all people) has asked for one for Christmas. Wal-Mart had them on sale that year so I went and waited inside Wal-Mart from around 1:00 a.m. until the "sale" started. I grabbed one, put it in my cart, and was hotfooting to the next thing on my list. Got stopped in a crowd and this lady saw my Furbee and she actually took it out of my cart. As she was running away she turned around and yelled "I've got your Furbee" and laughed like a maniac. I was so mad that I could hardly stand it. I never did get my sister that silly thing and that experience sure hasn't stopped me from going out every year, I just watch everything much, much closer now.
  4. Sears is on Nov 12th 6-9 pm that night. Will probably be using the Black Friday ad minus the blitz items. I do know (per DH) that they are doing an extra 20% off Kenmore appliances plus the regular 10% that you get on F&F. So this averages to about 27%. Should have the ad for Sears in my hand within the week. Will forward to Brad when I have it.
  5. Hey all! I'm from MO, around the state capital!!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE BF and this site!! I am sooo excited to see what happens this year. I have two kids, my ds is 8 and my dd is 6. My hubby and I have been married for 2 years this October and he laughs his head off at me and BF. Likes me to go though! Saves his wallet.

    I work at a local college and he works at Sears :yup: so I will get you the ad as soon as I have it from him. Should be coming pretty quick!!! Can't wait to see everything and it is great to meet everyone!

    Happy shopping!:P

  6. I just wanted to let everyone know that here in Missouri Sears is having their Friends and Family night on Nov. 13th from 6-9 p.m. They are supposedly going to use the Black Friday ad with the exception of the door busters. You will also save an extra 10% that night. If there are things that you are wanting inside the ad it is a good way to get some of your shopping done early.

    We have gone to this for the last 3 years and I have gotten almost all the items that I wanted on F&F and saved an extra 10%. :gd_orange I would check with your local Sears to see when they are going to be having their F&F.


    Have fun shopping!!

  7. That is all fine and dandy. It is great to sit there and knock an organization that apparently none of you have ever had to use. It is true what people say, one bad experience ruins it for everyone else. SO WHAT if you have had some hard times with the bell ringers. Don't knock the whole organization. What they do in the communities is a very good thing. My family had to use this service when I was a kid. My dad lost his eyesight completely and was off work with no disability or SS for 3 years. We had NOTHING!!!! They came in and brought us food, gifts, and let us know that people out there care.

    They don't just support people at the holidays, but all year long. I have no problem with Target not letting them ring there because it is their property and their store. I have had several run ins with people that rang the bells for SA, but I look past them at what the organization accomplishes, not what one person does. They can't be responsible for everyone because they don't have enough people to cover all of the areas they ring for and the main office.

    If everyone thinks that Christmas is about what you can get your family and how much money you have, then you have it all wrong. Like briansmommy999 said, it is about family and togtherness. Instead of teaching your children that they should expect gifts on Christmas, teach them what rewards they get from giving. You would be amazed at how much they understand it and will appreciate it when they get older. I have two small children myself and every year since they have been born they have given a gift to this charity. They now save their money and after they give 10% to the church, they give half of it to this charity.

    Each person has a right to their opinion, but instead of bad mouthing every person involved, turn the other cheek and look at all the good things they do!!

  8. Hello. I am new to this website. I happened across it on accident, but I am finding it very rewarding. I look forward to future sales posted about Black Friday. I haven't been going out shopping on Black Friday until the last three years. I have seen quite a few sights that I would rather forget, but I have also completed 95% of my holiday shopping on that day at tremendous savings.

    I wanted to let you know that last year I was able to get to Wal-Mart and have my purchases made and to leave within 30 minutes. I didn't have to drive all over the place to other toy stores, because what I did was price match everything. I took in the sale ads from K-B Toys, Toys R Us, K-Mart, Target, etc. I went in before the sale ever started, around 5:30 a.m. had my cart loaded, was waiting at the lay-away line and was out right after lay-away opened at 6:00 a.m. They matched every ad that I had, I put the stuff on lay-away and went back a couple of days later and picked it all up. This way I was able to get to the other stores that I wanted to go to and I didn't have to fight with people to get things that I wanted nor was I tied up standing in line for hours. :clapping:

    I didn't know that you were able to put things on lay-away until the previous year after I waited in line for two hours and missed a lot of other sales. Just a little FYI in case you didn't know either. Happy shopping!!!

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