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About schoolboy

  • Birthday 03/06/1975
  1. I'm torn between the 5.2 Kenmore elite, 41072 and the Samsung 5.0 WF50K7500AW. Kenmore isn't even listed in consumer reports, but LG has some of the top washers, which apparently makes Kenmore. Samsung is highly rated as well. Kenmore is a bit more, at $849/unit, and the Samsung is $799
  2. looking to replace our mattress. has anyone seen a good deal that stands out?
  3. Seems LG and Samsung are consistantly at the top in Consumer Reports. The thing with Sears is if you have shop your way rewards, you get 10% back on purchases. that is about $150 more on the Sansung set.
  4. May be honing in on Samsung front loader. Anyone have experiance with them?
  5. Looks like Sears has the best selection. Anyone have any opinions on Kenmore? Looking for front load.
  6. I have a small house, I think 960 square feet. My router is in the basement. Devices include a desktop, ipad, laptop, and a roku. Everything seems to work fine for the most part with my cradlepoint ctr35, however, my Roku struggles. It spends a lot of time "loading". I have 3M internet.
  7. Mostly, I use my internet for everyday browsing, however, I've been using my Roku a lot, and it has to stop and load constently. Right now, I have 3M service and a cradlepoint ctr35. Isp says d-link works well with their technology.
  8. wireless
  9. Question for some of you techies, which one of the routers is the best deal?
  10. It has a "coming soon" button, so you can't add it to your cart right now.
  11. Any chance the ipads will go on sale tonight?
  12. Thanks everyone. Yeah, I thought about the flooding being a problem. I purchased a 1TB a few years ago, and it has been great, but I'm looking for another one so I can clean off my computer and still have a back up for pics and home movies. 1.5 TB seems like a good deal if the hard drive is a good brand. The 1TB a few years ago around this time was $79. This is the one I bought then: http://www.buy.com/prod/fantom-green-drive-quad-1tb-usb-2-0-esata-firewire-400-800-external/211108356.html
  13. Has anyone seen any good deals on External Hard Drives this year?
  14. My favorite part is finding the BEST deal I can, then team up with my wife to get in and get out, and home before the Nebraska game starts. Used to be 2:30, but I've been challenged to an 11AM kick off.
  15. Thank you for the tip. We did purchase the Huggies diapers, which came to 12 cents per diaper.......Great deal. Thanks!
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