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  1. katylin1

    Amazon waitlist?

    First time I ever had the waitlst popup saying the item was available. Unfortunately I missed it because it literally was at the very far upper right of the screen and because I was down lower I didn't see it. I thought it would "float" and be more visible. So keep that in mind that if you are browsing on the bottom of webpage you will miss seeing the popup's very very very small window/icon/screen.
  2. I also agree with all have said. I wanted to get the xbox bundle and the game plan was for daughter 13 to get it since they pass out tickets, and for me to brave the video game pallet. She decided she wanted to try even though I warned her that people get really nasty. It was a def learning experience for her. She learned that there were kind people when a guy pulled her out from others piling on top of her, and she learned what she thought was a semi pleasant man turned into a monster. He grabbed the games out if her hand, and somehow she got pushed down. She had bruises and scratches on her arm she said from being rescued. the other lady that stood there for 4 hours was trying writing down people's request. It was a "I help you, you help me deal". All very civilize. Her 4 hours of waiting yielded her 1 video game. She literally had someone who put a choke hold on her to yank her out of the way. I don't understand why they can't form lines or pass out tickets. Even though I wouldnt get & hoard the items at least I would know that the time spent yielded something and no one got hurt. I even heard from this guy in line that his friend had snatched 5 xbox games and that he was outside the store trying to sell it. One guy was simply walking around the store with his unbought xbox bundle trying to make a quick $30 (which he did). I don't care if it's normal, right, or it's how life is. Shame on Walmart and shame on those people who would hurt others just to make a few bucks. Shame on me for not staying home and ordering it online. Amazon had the same deal later that night and I actually had it in my basket but obviously didn't need it anymore so I let someone online have it.
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