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About mgmckny

  • Birthday 08/02/1958
  1. My SS came, I know, haven't gotten my ornament person's gorgeous choices uploaded, may have to retake them as I think they were on an ipad mini which died... But I love my choices. Now I can learn to crochet and I got a cool water bottle, which I can always use and the cats attacked the cat toys, they are scattered along the stairs....
  2. My gifts also have left the building...LOL
  3. I came home friday evening to a great surprise. I'll post pics later but the ornaments are awesome! Waiting to take pics until the tree goes up. Thanks.
  4. Probably not until after Thanksgiving but I finally bought a pencil slim tree since the apartment is so small....So I'm eager to put it together and decorate....
  5. mgmckny

    Holiday Menu

    Wish you were closer, most of us prefer the dark meat.....The breast is the last to go and it gets drowned in cranberry sauce to make it moist enough...
  6. mgmckny

    Holiday Menu

    Gotta order a dinner from Publix I guess. Same thing as always for us since my mom passed.... Plus Jeff will make his bourbon cranberry sauce. Probably an extra veggie or two. Only 5 of us....
  7. Got mine! Let the shopping begin!
  8. My hubs hasn't asked for any DVD's for a long time now. Netflix is spoiling him....
  9. Just ordered a long sleeve tee this time! Woohoo! (I know it's Florida but I stay cold now all the time...)
  10. I love Flamingos and Santa clauses, I know, strange but true. My dad played Santa Claus from before I was born until shortly before his passing at age 70.... He was Santa Claus.... And I just love Flamingos. Thinking of starting steampunk collections as well and also Harry Potter, my other 2 loves....
  11. My link is for a book I adore, everything Cherie Priest writes has been awesome but this book drew me back into Steampunk in a big way!! http://www.amazon.com/Boneshaker-Clockwork-Century-Cherie-Priest/dp/0765318415/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1445809973&sr=8-1&keywords=boneshaker
  12. My oldest works and the youngest is in college...in this same boat... The youngest wants a Surface but has a good laptop so not worried about tech unless a good deal hits.
  13. Yep, just like the swallows return to Capistrano....LOL
  14. My kids like the stockings better than big stuff, of course they are teens/young adults now but they've always wanted a stocking, preferably with cash inside...
  15. KMART is still around? They've closed so many here that I haven't been in one now in at least 3 years....Last time was to buy a desk for a family that we adopted at work....
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