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Everything posted by pnutz

  1. You can find them at Walmart and Target.
  2. Look to the right, it will say Purchase In Store, click on that and there should be an area to put in your zip code!
  3. Looking for WII controllers. Check Circuit City, you can do it online and put in your zip code and it will tell you if the one near you has them in stock or not. I just went to the CC in Joliet and they have about 6 left, Target over there also has about 6. They only have the remotes, no nunchucks, however I did order the nuncheck at Gamestop.com, should ship within 24 hours it says. Good luck all! I'm all set finally!!:)
  4. Woo Hoo after 2 hours of trying to order 3 stupid things I finally made it!! Going back to bed, good luck to everyone else!!
  5. Down AGAIN!!!!!
  6. Me too, I got 2 items in my cart and can't get back in!!!!!!!!!
  7. I just sent them a nasty email, I'm soooo ticked!!!!
  8. Well my friend has this same tv and has had no problems what so ever with it, and they are in they're 2nd or 3rd year so far with it.
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