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Posts posted by flyjar

  1. Yes, I was wondering this as well. While I do a lot of my shopping online, going out on BF is fun and I need clothes this year and I much prefer to do that in-store so I can try before I buy.

  2. Anyone seen any deals on the Xbox One S (not the Series X or S)? My son wants one and a lot of the games we have are on disc, so the Series S isn't a viable option.  The Series X is going to be hard to come by and $500 is a little out of our price range.  I figured they want to clear out their old stock so we would see the $200 deal again this year, but so far no luck. Maybe Cyber Monday or later?

  3. I went in the Gamestop in my town today to buy one of the PS4 controllers in one of the new colors that is advertised in the Black Friday ad and also in their Black Friday preview ad.  I was told they only had one controller in the new purple color and I couldnt buy it today, they had to save it for Black Friday.  I thought that was a bit dumb, I mean, a sale is a sale.  Especially since they were in the ad for now.  So when I ran to the next town over to pick up something at another store I decided I’d go to one of the Gamestop stores there and pick it up, only to be told the same thing by both of the stores there, that they couldn’t sell the new colors now, I had to wait until Black Friday....  So I went to Best Buy there and bought it for a little more than a dollar more...but now I have one less item to have to hunt for on Black Friday.

    Wow, inventory of one, I won't be going there BF.
  4. yeah the watermarks...

    I don't know maybe it's just me, but it feels like another website wants some notoriety for the ad.


    The ad is actually difficult to read because of it on some of the pages.

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  5. Anxiously awaiting this one as well. They are usually one of the last ones.

    Yep, but if you go to your local Home Depot you can usually see what's going to be on sale or whatever is already on sale before black Friday.
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