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  1. went to BB today after reading your post about 1100 for steamer w&D..they did not have the units and said that was a promo a few weeks ago for the perks program..when did you buy and what model #'s are you refering to, if I may ask?
  2. anyone with the Sammy.. does either washer or dryer give you a display giving you estimated time left like the Maytag or Whirlpool?
  3. hey mdcrimm..I tried that angle an my local Lowes and my guy said that they wouldn't give the extra 10% because HD does not stock the item in store (which mined doesn't) rather keep it in a warehouse...he said he would match but not give extra 10% GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!!!
  4. thanks for the input..got some decisons to make...anyone have the whirlpool model wfw9400sw they would like to comment on?
  5. I'm curious as why you guys bought the Sammy vs Whirlpool or Maytag...was it the $100 difference or something else. Had a heart to heart with the Lows guy yest and he was pushing the Sammy, too. Said is was a better macnhine! The way I look at it, Samsung makes DVD players and LCD TV's. They have not been in the Major Apliance buisness as long as the others....any thoughts?
  6. love the chatter here as I am looking at HD's Maytag W/D, too. Sears has the same model for 300+ more but with their price matching plus 10% that should drive the price for the pair down from 1k down to $900.. according to Sears website I can bring in HD's web addd and they will match subtract an additional 10% anyone have any dealings with Sears price matching...any luck!?
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