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Everything posted by spartygurl

  1. How do you find deals on the girl Lego Friends in the purple boxes? If you see any, please post! Thanks.
  2. Our Wii died over the weekend....won't read discs anymore. So, I am looking for a deal on a console. Don't need a starter pack with things we already have. Had one in my cart yesterday at Target sale, but as I was paying, it disappeared from my cart
  3. Go old school ..... check ebay and see if you can find any of the stuff we had when we were kids.
  4. Have the $100 Skecher Shape Up ever been discounted anywhere?
  5. You have to be careful on amazon with pictures....they seem to always have wall decoration and party supplies. However, I did find a couple of action figures today from your suggestion. Thanks! I have been checking amazon pretty regularly the past month and they have not been available.
  6. Looking for some little action figures and they are impossible to find. The kids absolutely love these, and my dd just lost a neighbors toy and I need to replace them. Who stocks them???? Cannot find them anywhere in brick and morter stores.
  7. How'd ya get free ship? Mine show $6.79 for shipping. Is there a code?
  8. Michigan was 75% today. I got there at 9am, and saw a couple of people (not employees) with 5 carts each full of toys in the parking lot. How do you walk around the store and get to your car with 5 carts??!! One of the ladies DD, who looked about 3 wandered off down the parking lot and almost got hit by a car and she didn't even notice that her child wandered off. When I got inside, it was very picked over. In the 1 1/2 rows of clearance toys, 80% of it was gone. Two other shoppers came in and were just grabbing things and throwing them in their carts until they were full. Craziness! They mostly had Smurfs, little stuffed toys, flying Tinkerbell and the Wow Wee Alive Pandas and Dogs. You never know for sure what time of day they mark down around here. I've seen them mark down toys at 10:00am and 2:00pm in previous years. I managed to get the Christmas Story Train Set and a game called Exago, which is what I wanted.
  9. How much would you pay for used Nintendo DS games on craigslist? I am looking for some for my kiddos and have seen them for $8-$15 range used. Not sure how low to try to haggle with them.
  10. K-Mart had Joe Boxer pajamas on sale this week for half off. Regularly $14.99, so $7.50. Disney store also has buy 1 get 1 online, and some on sale in the store.
  11. Yes, they are tricky....it helps if you can find a frustrated :eek:cashier who will eventually just override it. Younkers BF $10/$10 are much worse!!! They do not work on anything!!!
  12. Any deals on XM's monthly service? How do I get one or negotiate a better rate?
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