Luckily I got my TV's online at Amazon a couple of weeks ago so I didn't have to worry about that. We got to Walmart last night about 9:30 or so. Left during half time of the TX, a&m game ( I knew once I left we'd turn it around :) ). There were several of us so I was able to get everything I wanted. I first went for the compaq laptop and was able to get a ticket and stood in line until my mom came to take my place. I was able to find the sheets when they first started getting them. I was able to make my way to the crowd and get several sets. Plus I found an additional full someone put back later. I ended up with 2 full sets, 3 or 4 queen and 1 king. My aunt got my office chair and storage bench. I was also able to get the rubbermaid containers. I then went and switched spots with my mom. I was able to get a cousin to come sit in line for me while I went up front and paid for all of my stuff. Right before midnight they gave us each our laptop and I checked out back in sporting goods and was in and out. On the way out I saw the kodak printer I wanted and ended up getting it too. Best experience at Walmart in awhile. Overall it was crowded, but we didn't have any really crazy people. My mom and aunt said some couple stopped and helped them load up the car with all of my goodies :). I ordered a few things online from Kohls earlier in the day on Thanksgiving. I also ordered the GE 7.0 freezer from Home Depot for $159. It will be delivered on the 30th. I hit up Sam's Club at 5 am and got 3 of the wine openers, 2 of the salt and pepper mills, $100 itune cards for $79, the 2 piece luggage set with the hard outside and crockpot. They were just letting people in when I got there. Everyone went in without any pushing or cutting in line and it was very peaceful.