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  1. I LOVE NEWEGG, got my Toshiba laptop 1.5 years ago FREE shipping and no tax.
  2. Just got the Sceptre 32" 720p Wasnt sure if i should pull the trigger until i found out from another site that it is made by Sony.I usually do not buy off brands but this will be in the basement and get very little use.Plus 219.00 yea ill give it a try.
  3. I am planning on buying one of the 32" LCD tv"s Which one is the better tv the Westy at Target or the Emerson at Walmart?Any opinions?
  4. I live in NE mpls and there are 6 Target stores within 20 miles of my house.If i arrived at Midnight at one of them what are my chances of getting one of the 32" Westy"s? Should i arrive sooner? I have never waited on BF so im not sure about how soon i should get there.
  5. Me and my brother in law went to CC yesterday and i got Black Friday pricing on the Panny th42 px75u on the spot and the bro in law got the 42'' Sharp Aquos.He has to go back on the saturday after black friday to get the price adjustment. Beats the heck out of waiting in line for several hours.
  6. CC has the panasonic 52" LCD projection for 999.00 HELL of a deal.
  7. That is becuase your 50" DLP is not a Plasma Its a DLP which I believe stands for Digital Light Prossesing.
  8. If your coming from a regular TV it is.Also BURN IN scares me.
  9. Hmmm....... I may have to rethink the samsung.
  10. Sounds like a GREAT deal.I will wait to see if there might be a better deal (Although i doubt it.) Before i pull the trigger.I signed up at geico and it worked perfectly for the additional 10% off.$899.00 delivered......... WOW:D
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